- Jutiapa flavivirus 朱蒂亚帕黄病毒
- The West Nile virus is an RNA flavivirus of the Japanese encephalitis subgroup. 西尼罗河病毒是日本脑炎病毒亚组的一种RNA黄病毒。
- Dengue virus is a single-stranded positive sense RNA flavivirus that is transmitted by mosquito to human host. 登革病毒在分类上属于黄质病毒科,基因体为单股正向RNA,其感染途径主要经由蚊子叮咬而传播到人类宿主。
- To date, similar observations were only reported for the processing of IL 12 signal sequence and the C/prM site of flavivirus. 这种依赖于上下游序列的信号序列加工目前仅发现存在于IL 12信号序列加工和黄病毒C/ prM位点 (prM信号序列 )的加工。
- The results were all negative when used to detect other flavivirus including the yellow fever virus, dengue virus type 1, 2, 3 and 4, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus. 作为对照的黄热病毒疫苗株17D、登革1~4型病毒、日本脑炎病毒、西尼罗病毒Chin-01株结果均为阴性,证明该体系具有良好的特异性。
- Abstract: Objective To identify a new virus of flavivirus by molecular biology,which was isolated from mosquitoes collected in Chaoyang of Liaoning province. 摘要:目的 对辽宁省朝阳市蚊虫中分离的一种新病毒进行分子生物学鉴定。
- Objective:To establish a high throughput DNA microarray method for rapidly screening human viral pathogens,and to verify its effectiveness by detecting Flavivirus. 目的:制备人类致病病毒属水平高通量筛查用基因芯片,并通过检测黄病毒属病毒初步验证其筛查效果。
- Many virus can evoke viral encephalitis,such as herpes simplex virus,varicella-zoster virus,cytomegalovirus,measles virus,rubella rubivirus,mumps virus,flavivirus,enterovirus 70,71,and so on. 许多病毒可引起本病,常见的有单纯疱疹病毒、水痘-带状疱疹病毒、巨细胞病毒、肠道病毒70及71、麻疹病毒、风疹病毒、流行性腮腺炎病毒及黄病毒属等,单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎最常见。
- Background and objectiveDengue virus (DEN) , a member of Flavivirus, was the pathogen of human dengue fever (DF) , dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS ) . Dengue virus comprises 4 serotypes. 登革病毒(Dengue virus,DEN)为黄病毒属成员,是引起登革热(DF)和登革出血热(DHF)/登革休克综合症(DSS)的病原体,有4种不同的血清型(1-4型)。
- tick-borne encephalitis flavivirus 蜱传脑炎黄病毒
- Omsk haemorrhagic fever flavivirus 鄂木斯克出血热黄病毒
- Israel turkey meningoencephalitis flavivirus 以色列火鸡脑膜脑炎黄病毒
- Japanese encephalitis flavivirus 日本脑炎黄病毒
- Montana myotis leukoencephalitis flavivirus 蒙大拿鼠耳蝙蝠白细胞脑炎黄病毒
- Murray valley encephalitis flavivirus 墨莱溪谷脑炎黄病毒
- Kyasanur forest disease flavivirus 库阿撒鲁尔森林黄病毒
- Advances in research of flavivirus chimeric vaccines 黄病毒嵌合疫苗研究进展
- Resent situation of the disease caused by flavivirus 全球黄热病近况
- Keywords flavivirus;NS3 protein;suranin;virus inhibitors; 黄病毒类;NS3蛋白质;苏拉明;病毒抑制物;
- Flavivirus ;Serine Endopeptidases ;Viral Nonstructural Proteins ; 黄病毒属 ;