- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- They clubbed together a large sum. 他们集资到一大笔款子。
- Please sum up what you said just now. 请把你刚才说的总结一下。
- The clerks figures up the sum on a computer. 办事员用计算机算出总教。
- Ten years was the sum total of my education. 我受教育的年限加起来共十年。
- The company set this sum by for future use. 公司把这笔款留作将来之用。
- His brother made out the sum to settle the account. 他兄弟拼凑了这笔款子来了结账目。
- They paid me the princely sum of USD5000. 他们慷慨地给我5000美元。
- His debts foot up to a huge sum. 他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。
- Now sum up (your views) in a few words. 现在(把你的观点)用几句话来概括一下。
- He got paid a piffling sum after weeks of work. 他工作数周所得甚微。
- Kan Wai Sum is a very elegant lady,also a nice mother and wife. 简慧心是一位端庄高雅的女士,贤惠的妻子,仁慈的母亲。
- He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month. 他每月在银行存一笔钱。
- In sum, theory must be combined with practice. 总之,理论必须同实践相结合。
- My father paid out me large sum for my education. 我父亲为我读书花去了一大笔钱。
- The sum was paid back to the bank with interest. 这笔款子连本带息还给了银行。
- A sum of money paid as bail or surety. 保证金用作保释金或保证金的钱
- TSO Yuen Ping, Louisa left Tony Kan &Co as a consultant as from 14 April 2002 and joined Chu &Lau as a partner as from 15 April 2002. 曹婉萍小姐自2002年4月14日辞去简松年律师行顾问一职;自2002年4月15日加入刘汉铨律师行为合夥人。
- She's put aside a tidy sum for her retirement. 她存了一笔相当可观的钱以备退休之用。
- I would like my allowance in a lump sum. 我希望把我的零用钱全数发给我。