- Kanaya Osamu 金谷治(1920-),日本人,哲学教授。
- Adapted from "Black Jack" written by the Father of Anime, Tezuka Osamu! 本片改编自动画片之父手冢治虫的著作!
- Kanaya Holothuria living museum that you are an ideal choice for leisure stay, we will be warm, beautiful environment to welcome your arrival! 金屋玉足生活馆是您休闲住宿的理想选择,我们将以热情的服务,优美的环境欢迎您的到来!
- Osamu Ikeuchi, an essayist and scholar of German literature, once wrote that "Italian is a rewarding language to learn. 主修德国文学的散文评论家池内纪曾写到“意大利语是门值得学习的语言。”
- Kanaya Holothuria Museum is a life-foot, massage, bath, room and part-time business meetings as one of the major leisure venues fitness. 金屋玉足生活馆是集足道、按摩、洗浴、钟点房及商务洽谈为一体的大型休闲健身场所。
- Li Ruixi, Peng Yuwen, Osamu Ohtani, Hisao Nishijo, Wang jie, Ding Zhongliang, Gao Lu, Shen Xinya. 李瑞锡、彭裕文、大谷修、西条寿夫、王劼、丁忠良、高璐、沈馨亚。
- Osamu E. The insulin-like effects of selenate in rat adipocytes [J]. D Biol Chem, 1990,265:1124. 张桂珍,李广生,王凡等.硒缺乏大鼠胰岛损害的免疫组织化学图象分析[J].营养学报,1996,18:71
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- Acclaimed director Osamu Dezaki will supervise the animators of the film's productions. 著名导演出崎统将监制电影的制作过程。
- Description: Glenda Jackson (Glenda Jackson) British stage and film actress, the star of "Love Woman "and" Spring Kanaya, "won two Academy Awards, and later in politics. 她曾经说过的一句: “这太荒谬了,我努力了这么多年以前可没有人知道,我几乎。好莱坞制造商说,是一种封闭的王国,而我不想留糟蹋自己。
- Any pieces of work and any published items by Dr. Tezuka, you can find their information here. This page is really the Encyclopedia of Osamu Tezuka. 所有手冢老师的作品,出版过的刊物,你都可以在这里找到它们的资料,这网页真的名副其实是手冢治虫百科全书。
- As one of the major writers in Deviant School in post-war Japan, Osamu Dazai is a most typical "personal fiction" novelist. 摘要战后日本“无赖派”主要代表作家太宰治,是一位极其典型的“私小说”作家。
- On 8 October 2008, the 2008 Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to Osamu Shimomura, Chalfie, and Tsien for their work on GFP. 2008年10月8日,因为在绿色荧光蛋白方面的工作,下村修,查菲和钱永健被授予2008年诺贝尔化学奖。
- Mica Ertegun, Anne Eisenhower, Osamu Hashimoto, Barbara Ostrom, and Sylvia Owen;best-selling author and designer Alexandra Stoddard;Allan H. 毕业知名校友分布在世界各地,这些成功校友包括Mariette Himes Gomez;
- Kanaya F, Firrell J C, Breidenbath W C. Sciatic function index, nerve conduction tests, muscle contraction and axon morphometry as indicators of regeneration [J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1996,98(7):1264. 庞清江;罗永湘.;神经生长因子对脊髓前角运动神经元核转录功能的影响[J]
- Both Tamotsu and Osamu, who fall for Narumi, keep holding back their feelings and giving way to each other.This complex love affair unintentionally causes Junichiro's death. 后来挂居与女朋友分手,他和奈美终能走在一起,奈美希望挂居能无时无刻记挂著她,但挂居经常要工作,二人因此产生磨擦,导致分手。
- Suzuki CEO Osamu Suzuki says that the Japanese automaker has held no discussions with Volkswagen over a small car alliance with investment from the German automaker. 铃木总裁铃木修说,日本汽车制造商举行了讨论,没有大众的小型车与投资联盟由德国汽车制造商。
- Osamu Ikegame, 40, said he could not stop himself when he saw the Aurora docked in Yokohama and climbed a 2.5m fence at the harbor, according to police. 警方指出,四十岁的池龟治说他看到停泊在横滨的奥萝拉号后,不由自主地爬上港口两点五公尺高的围墙。
- Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, in which Suzuki owns 54.2 percent, will make the car that will be sold globally, Osamu Suzuki said at an industry conference, without giving details. 铃木董事长铃木修表示,铃木将在其控股54.;2%25的印度玛鲁蒂-铃木有限公司生产销往全球的轿车,但他没有透露计划的细节。
- Speaking one day after the release of a new video featuring Al-Quida leader alsummu(Osamu) Benladin, the Presidend reaffirm his determination to continue the fight in Iraq. 新的基地组织领导萨达姆侯赛因的录像公布后的第二天,总统再次强调了他将继续伊拉克反恐活动的决心。