- Then Kang Xi began missing days between bouts. 到后来康熙隔得数日,才和韦小宝拆一次招。
- Kang Xi reassured him that he would not mention it to the Empress Dowager. 康熙不去理他的挑拨离间,说道:“我自不会跟太后说。
- In the Qing Dynasty, during the reigns of Kang Xi and Qian Long, there was no open policy to speak of. 以后清朝康乾时代,不能说是开放。
- So when Kang Xi was sixteen he threw him out of the palace, and became a real Emperor. 康熙很不喜欢他,于是在他十六岁时,想办法把鳌拜赶走,康熙才真正成了管理朝政的皇帝。
- Kang Xi knew that Trinket could not read and had used his considerable skill as a draftsman to convey his message. 原来康熙雅擅丹青,知道韦小宝识字有限,便画图下旨。
- By the age of 20, Kang Xi has been the Emperor of Manchu Qing Dynasty for 13 years. 20岁的时候,康熙已经做了13年的清朝皇帝。
- After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Kang Xi became so impatient that he stepped forward and gave the door a couple of raps himself. 康熙忍不住抢上一步,在门上敲了两下。
- Some time towards the middle of the afternoon Kang Xi sent someone round summoning Trinket to the Upper Library.Trinket found him all smiles. 申牌时分,康熙派人来传他到上书房去,笑容满面的道:“小桂子,太后说你昨晚又立了大功,要升你的级。”
- Reed mat pattern many types of specifications, types, there is thatch pad seats, Kang Xi, hoarding seats, seats and other packaging. 苇席种类规格式样繁多,种类有苫垫席、炕席、囤席、包装席等。
- China remained isolated for more than 300 years from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the Opium War,or for nearly 200 years counting from the reign of Kang Xi. 如果从明朝中叶算起鸦片战争,有三百多年的闭关自守,如果从康熙算起,也有近二百年。
- China remained isolated for more than 300 years from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the Opium War, or for nearly 200 years counting from the reign of Kang Xi. 如果从明朝中叶算起鸦片战争,有三百多年的闭关自守,如果从康熙算起,也有近二百年。
- Then he saw Colonel Ajige, the commandant of the Vanguard Regiment, come out-an obvious sign that Kang Xi was redeploying units of the Vanguards, to catch the assassins. 过了良久,见前锋营统领阿济赤从殿中出来,韦小宝心道:“皇上定是调动前锋营,加紧严防刺客。”
- The edition of Kang Xi was based on Wan Li in Ming Dynasty, and the edition of Guang Xu was based on Kang Xi, which formed an important system widespreading. 康熙翻刻明万历本,光绪本又翻刻康熙本,流传甚广,形成版本流传系统的重要一支。
- Qing Emperor Kangxi 45 years (1706) Emperor Kang Xi Cinvrongxian Princess presided over the construction, the beginning of Baer Si (Tiger) Temple, later renamed Hui Fusi. 清康熙四十五年(1706年)康熙帝次女荣宪公主主持兴建,初名巴尔斯(虎)庙,后改名荟福寺。
- Kang Xi could see that Trinket and the eunuchs were in serious trouble.He crept round behind Oboi, pulled out his own knife, and stabbed him in the back. 康熙见韦小宝与众小太监抢夺不下鳌拜,势道不对,绕到鳌拜背后,拔出匕首,一刀插入了他背心。
- Kang Xi could contain his curiosity no longer.He tried to peep through a crack in the wooden casement, but found that every single crack had been sealed with putty. 康熙忍耐不住,探头去窗缝中张望,可是太后寝殿窗房的所有缝隙均用油灰塞满,连一条细缝也没有。
- Hearing the hue and cry, Kang Xi had thrown on some clothes and risen from his bed, to receive a somewhat garbled report of the night's events from one of the guards. 康熙听到锣声,披衣起身,一名侍卫来报慈宁宫中出了事,什么事却说不清楚。
- Kang Xi brooded for a moment.'Oboi's crimes are serious ones,' he said.'But he was a great Minister of State and served the Dragon Throne for many years. 康熙沉吟道:“鳌拜虽然罪重,但他是顾命大臣,效力年久,可免其一死,革职拘禁,永不释放,抄没他的家产。
- One day, after a bout, Kang Xi turned to his friend with an expression of unwonted seriousness, and said to him in a low voice: 'Laurie, tomorrow you and I have something very important to do. 这日康熙和韦小宝练过武后,脸色郑重,低声道:“小桂子,咱们明天要办一件大事,你早些到书房来等我。”
- The bearer of the Edict was Kang Xi's maternal uncle, Tong Guogang, a Manchu Bannerman, though he was in fact of pure Chinese descent. (His sister, the late Empress Kang, was Kang Xi's mother. 定是这些罗刹兵中国话说得不好,把皇上听得胡里胡涂,惹得他生气。”将教授罗刹兵华语的几名师爷叫来,痛骂一顿。