- Kanno Michio 菅野道雄(1939-),日本人,官员。
- Tsuyoshi's wife played by Kanno Miho owns a baby clothes shop. 剧中将由金美淑饰演顽固妈妈幸淑一角,李清娥则饰演聪明能干、开朗的女儿达智;
- Michio, Muramatsu, 1997.Local Power in the Japanese State. 黄锦堂;民国84年;地方自治法治化之研究;台北:月旦出版公司.
- Born in 1964, Yoko Kanno has a bright personality, eternally enthusiastic. 生于1964年的菅野洋子性格活泼,热情无限。
- He is concerned that, if they stay so low for long, there will be the risk of resource misallocation,'' Kanno says. 他表示如果继续以这种低利率;将会增加资源分配的风险.
- However, I get no musical guidance from Kanno or any of the Japanese composers I have worked with . 不过,我没有从菅野或其他与我合作过的日本音乐家那里得到过音乐指导。
- Every song that is similarly taken is twisted a little to make it sound like "Yoko Kanno". 每首相似歌(指与菅野的做比较的那些)经过些许改动后,使他们更“菅野”化。
- Fuel cell cars have a number of advantages over electric cars, said Honda Motor Co. engineer Michio Shinohara. 其它日本汽车制造商已经开始着手制造燃料电池汽车,这种汽车通过氧和氢的化学反应来发电,而这种化学反应的副产品只有水。
- If anything, I should thank Yoko Kanno for letting me explore all these different composers and artists. 就算有,我也得感谢菅野洋子让我有机会接触到所有这些不同的作曲家音乐人。
- Jack Horner .... Himself Joan Horvath .... Herself Michio Kaku .... Himself James Kirkland ..... Himself 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 美国航空航天局(NASA)和英国生物学...
- Michio Tamura (pers. comm.) believes that this variety would be better treated as a distinct species. 换向器.;)相信这变种是最好看作一单独的种。
- Jack Horner .... Himself Joan Horvath .... Herself Michio Kaku .... Himself James Kirkla... Himself 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 美国航空航天局(NASA)和英国生...
- Fortunately, for music lovers, this hobby takes sufficient little time so Yoko Kanno can continue to make our eardrums vibrate. 幸运的是,对于音乐爱好者来说,菅野洋子的这个爱好占用她的时间如此之少,以至于她仍可以满足我们的听觉之娱。
- It should be noted that this view of Utsunomiya Tanigawa Michio Kaku gave a great impact. 应该指出的是,宇都宫的这一观点给了谷川道雄极大的影响。
- Kanno K,Sato G C.Tafel slope determination of corrosion reaction by the coulostatic method[J].Corrosion Science,1980,20:1059. 朱卫东;陈范才.;智能化腐蚀监测仪的发展现状及趋势[J]
- Michio Kaku, thank you. He's a theoretical physicist and a very smart man. We love having you on. Thanks for coming on today. 谢谢你。他是一名理论物理学家和一个非常聪明的人。我们喜欢你上我们的节目。谢谢你今天能来。
- Kanno T,Sano H,Shinomiya Y,et al.Rloe of surgery in hypertensive intracerebral hematoma.A comparative of study of 305 nonsurgical and 154 surgical cases.J Neurogery,1984,61(6):1091. 徐侃;黄蕾;张燕飞.;微创手术治疗高血压脑出血的临床研究
- Analysis and Maintenance to Breakdown of SUB P.C.B of Kanno Auto-paging System 卡诺自动指令电话SUB用户板疑难故障的分析处理
- Li Liangqian Michio Tamura.Trollius L. in Flora of China [M]. Beijing: Science Press 2001 6: 137-142 中国科学院西北植物研究所.;秦岭植物志[M]
- Takeo Ishikawa, Masahiro Matsuda, and Michio Matsunami, “Finite Element Analysis of Permanent Magnet Type Stepping Motors”, IEEE trans. Magn., Vol.34, No.5, 3503. 1998 蔡明玮,"复合型步进马达磁路分析之研究",私立元智大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,89年