- Karl is ambitious to be a big bug. 卡尔野心勃勃,想当大人物。
- Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. 卡尔马克思生于德国,德语是他的本族语。
- Erik was lunging for him, arms spread wide. 艾瑞克敞开双臂朝他扑过去。
- Karl ran up a big bill at the bookstore. 卡尔欠书店的账猛增。
- With Erik back in my arms,I ran for the car. 艾瑞克回到了我怀里,我朝车奔去。
- Nilsson with contributions from Susan A. 主题 图书 Electric circuits /James W.
- Verona attacks,Erik scores one-handed two pointer. 维罗纳队进攻,埃里克单手投中两分篮。
- Will Mr. Karl be able to see me this Tuesdady ? 卡尔先生星期二能见我吗?
- What did Erik do at the end of the concert? 音乐会结束时埃里克做了什么事?
- Karl Marx had tried to harness the German will . 卡尔·马克思曾试图驾御德意志民族的意志。
- She saw Erik Valborg coming, in an ancient suit. 她突然看到迎面走过来的正是埃里克·瓦尔博格,他身上穿着一套老式便服。
- Capitalism is a term invented by Karl Marx. 资本主义这个词是卡尔·马克思创造的。
- With Erik back in my arms, I ran for the car. 艾瑞克回到了我怀里,我朝车奔去。
- Karl ran up a bill at the bookstore. 卡尔欠书店一笔钱。
- Erik: I'm sorry too. I shoulda tried harder. 艾瑞克:我也是。我本该再努力些。
- The case of Karl Marx was similar. 这正如马克思的情况一样。
- Mad Erik, I think he's definitely a cult-hero. 疯狂的梅耶,他绝对是球迷的崇拜对象。”
- Erik Morales is making a serious mistake. 埃里克.;莫拉雷斯正在做一个错误的决定。
- Does Karl hope to continue the relationship? 卡尔希望继续保持那种关系吗?
- Chun-chieh Huang and erik Zurcher ... 敺 之 冢 嚗 望 蝬脱 鞈 刻 憭 抒 鞈 摨怎 ...