- Kerry Millikin 米利金
- Young as he is, Kerry has become famous in many spheres. 克里虽然年轻,却已在许多领域出了名。
- Now Mr Kerry is fractionally ahead in all four. 然而现在在这四个州里,克里都以微弱的优势领先。
- Same thing goes for the Kerry Berry. 对克里莓酒来说,情况也是一样的。”
- I'm going to vote for anyone but Bush and Kerry. 我谁都可以选,除了布什和凯利。
- Kerry is in the extreme west of Ireland. 凯里位于爱尔兰的最西端。
- Shenzhen Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Co. Ltd. 深圳嘉里盐田港物流有限公司。
- Do you want to help Kerry win the election? 你想帮助克里赢得大选吗?
- John Kerry lost the US presidential election. 约翰·凯瑞在美国总统大选中失利。
- Sen.John Kerry is riding a string of victories. 正取得接连的胜利。
- Dina always remembers all her own that Kerry has. 迪娜会永远记住凯丽的一切都是她自己的
- John Kerry seems less open to refashioning. 在改变形象上,克里就显得不太开放。
- Hello. This is Kerry Youmans speaking. 尤:喂,我是克里.;尤曼斯。
- Good evening, Mr. President, Senator Kerry. 晚上好,总统先生,克里参议员。
- Barbee Kerry W.Cook Jimmy I.Ebonie Smith George A. 主 演:罗伯特-福克沃斯 Wemi Ajigrotafe David L.
- In 1999, Kerry and I moved to Aliso Viejo, CA. 在1999年,KERRY和我搬到了ALISOVIEJO,CA。
- Martin ;edited and published by Kerry S.Berland. 题名/责任者: Microcomputer design / by Donald P.
- Kerry Turner, David Pearce and Ian Bateman. 书名 :Environmental economics :an elementary introduction /R.