- These luxuries all had to go under the khmer rouge. 在红色高棉政权统治之下,这些奢侈品都必须抛弃。
- As a result, many Khmer Rouge officials have long since died. 柬埔寨大屠杀法庭是联合国和柬埔寨联合成立的。
- Ghosananda himself had missed the horrors of the Khmer Rouge years. 哥沙纳达本人幸免于红色高棉的恐怖年代。
- The Khmer Rouge committed mass executions in sites known as the Killing Fields. 红色高棉犯下的大规模处决的地点称为杀戮场。
- Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge leader, died in his jungle hideout in 1998. 波布,红高棉的独裁者,也是本世纪最让人发指的魔头之一,在1998年死于森林中的藏匿处。
- But already, in what appears to be a Khmer Rouge tradition, people say his ghost has begun dispensing lottery numbers. 虽然塔莫去世还没有很久,不过根据赤柬大老的传统,人们说他的英灵已经开始指示彩卷的明牌号码了。
- These ugly billboards have to go! These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge. 这些难看的广告牌必须去掉!
- He sent troops to re-capture an American transport ship captured by the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia. 他派出部队去夺回被柬埔寨红色高棉军队俘获的美国运输船。
- Pitt and Jolie arrived unannounced in Vietnam after an earlier surprise visit this week to Cambodia where on Wednesday they toured a former Khmer Rouge death camp. 本周早些时候,皮特和茱丽突然出现在柬埔寨,并于周三参观了原“红色高棉”集中营。之后两人又“悄悄”来到越南。
- Leaders of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia that claimed over 1 million in the 1970s. 1998年的今天,红色高棉组织的领导人向发生在1970年代的柬埔寨种族灭绝罪行道歉。
- Vietnamese forces capture Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh, overthrowing the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot. 1979年,越南武装力量占据了柬埔寨首都金边,推翻了波尔布特政权。
- In some sense, it is: Practically every Cambodian has a relative who died during the Khmer Rouge genocide. 在某种意义上来说:事实上,在红色高棉大屠杀的期间,每个柬埔寨人都有亲人遭到杀害。
- Cambodia's prime minister, Hun Sen, among others, is a former Khmer Rouge cadre. 而柬埔寨首相洪森,也曾经是红色高棉的高层分子。
- Yet today, Western governments were professing to judge the Khmer Rouge experiment before an international tribunal. 可是今天,西方政府却专注于把红高棉的实验诉诸于国际裁判庭。
- Western governments perversely permitted the Khmer Rouge to occupy Cambodia's seat in the UN. 西方各国政府也一贯听任红色高棉政权占据柬埔寨在联合国的席位。
- It is the first time that Combodia implead the leaders of Khmer Rouge before trial after terror period. 柬埔寨开始起诉审判前红色高棉的领袖们,这件事情发生在红色高棉的红色恐怖结束三十年后。
- Known as "Brother Number Two," he was the deputy of the late Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot and the group's chief political ideologue during its reign from 1975 to 1979. 在1975到1979年红色高棉执政期间,农谢担任已故前红色高棉领导人波尔布特的副手,是红色高棉政权政治思想的最高主管,以“二号大哥”著称。
- The Thai government yesterday extended its welcome to the surrender of Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea, two key members of Khmer Rouge, to Phnom Penn. 泰国政府昨天对红色高棉两名重要成员乔森潘和农谢向金边当局投诚,表示欢迎。
- But in December discussions with the Soviet Union, China agreed to cut its support for the Khmer Rouge in step with Vietnamese troop withdrawals. 可是在十二月与苏联讨论时,中国同意减少对红色高棉的支持,以配合越南撤军。
- In the eyes of Cambodian government officials, many of whom had some involvement with the Khmer Rouge, the sooner this dark period can be laid to rest, the better. 在柬埔寨政府官员(其中多数参加过红色高棉组织)的心目中,这段黑暗岁月平息的越快就越好。