- Hwang, C. 2004. Urban Ecology of Necrophagous Flies in Greater London . Ph. D. thesis, Department of Life Sciences, King 's College London, University of London . 303 pp. 谢伯娟、黄重期、吴书平,2006。台湾蜗牛图鑑,第二版,农委会林务局,台北,277页。
- The UK's first two deposits have been developed separately by researchers at King's College London and the Centre for Life in Newcastle. 英国首批两个存储库是由伦敦大学国王学院和纽卡斯尔生命中心的研究者们分别发展起来的。
- That, however, is one implication of a paper about to be published in Intelligence by Rosalind Arden of King’s College, London, and her colleagues. 她选择了精子质量,这是因为精子质量容易度量,并且很容易理解精子质量和智力选择没什么关联,相关的数据也已经收集好了。
- International Office, King's College London, James Clark Maxwell Bldg., 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA, U.K. 奖学金与贷学金的区别是,前者无须偿还,后者按前述一、(一)节办理。
- He teach “Performance Practice and methodology” at the University Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, in London. 他在伦敦中央圣马丁艺术设计学院教授“表演实践及方法”。
- MA. The Slade School of Fine Art, University College London, UK. 英国伦敦大学斯莱德美术学院研究生毕业。
- University College London - scientific and medical cancer research. 肿瘤医学研究中心。
- University College London: Ma Translation Theory and Practice. 翻译理论和实践。
- The length of a girl's ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential, researchers at King's College London said on Thursday. 伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,从女性无名指的长度可以看出她的竞技潜力。
- Prof.Enright, from Imperial College London, said: “MRSA might be on a person’’s skin and, as they get bitten, it goes inside. 伦敦皇家学院的伊恩赖特教授说:“MRSA病菌可能在人类的皮肤上面,当他们被咬之后,就进入了皮肤。
- King's College London (0), The MPharm Programme, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/schools/life_sciences/health/pharmacy/courseinfo/. 李荣安、谭延辉(1999);台湾药学教育的省思与改革;台湾临床药学杂志;8();1-21.
- The problem is their remoteness: according to King's College London, as little as 15% of police time is now spent on visible patrol. 问题出在他们不易接近。根据伦敦大学国王学院的调查,现在,警察只有15%25的时间用于人们平常可见的巡逻。
- The Exploratorium also offers professional development programs for scientists. This is a joint effort with the University of California, Santa Cruz, and King's College London. 探索博物馆还为科学家提供专业开发项目。这个项目是由加州大学、圣克鲁斯大学和伦敦国王学院联合完成的。
- The capes and hoods have been created especially for King's College London and will be worn by students at their graduation ceremonies later this month. 这些披肩和帽冠是特别为伦敦国王学院的毕业生设计的。这些学生将于本月下旬在毕业典礼上穿着新式袍服。
- High performance computing systems analyst at Imperial College London. 伦敦皇家学院高性能计算系统分析员。
- Pembroke College, Brown University\'s all women\'s college, merged with the College in 1971. 彭布罗克学院,布朗大学的所有女子学院,学院合并,于1971年。
- UAA's College of Business and Public Policy Interim Dean Bear Baker seems to live up to his Alaska themed name. 阿拉斯加大学安克雷奇分校(UAA)商务与公共政策学院临时院长柏尔贝克似乎要让自己的阿拉斯加式姓名名符其实(他的名字意为烤熊人)
- WT's College of Business has one of the top online MBA programs available today. 小波变换的商学院之一顶端网上MBA课程现已开始供货。
- The study was the work of scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, the University of Delaware, in Newark, US, and University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque, US. 本研究是由伦敦国王学院精神病研究所、美国纽瓦克市特拉华大学以及美国阿尔布开克市的墨西哥大学的研究者共同完成的。
- PAUL T.SHARPE established and heads the department of craniofacial development at Guy's Hospital in London and is also Dickinson Professor of Craniofacial Biology at King's College London. 夏普在英国伦敦盖氏医院创立了颅颜发育科,并担任科主任,他也是伦敦国王学院颅颜生物学的狄克逊讲座教授。