- Kino Kaion 纪海音(1663-1742),日本人,江户幕府中期的净璃琉剧作家。
- In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox. 1742 年,他染上了致命的天花。
- Kino, a poor fisherman, found a very large pearl. 吉诺是个穷苦的渔夫。他捞到一颗硕大的珍珠。
- Every man suddenly became related to Kino's pearl. 吉诺的珍珠一下子牵动了所有人的心。
- There was no anger in her for Kino. 她并不恨基诺。
- Kino knew them, but no new songs were added. 奇诺知道它们,可是没有新的歌曲增加。
- A gold coin issued in England from 1663 to 1813 and worth one pound and one shilling. 畿尼1663年到1813年之间英国发行的金币,价值相当于一磅一先令。
- That day, Kino went diving for pearls. 那天基诺出去采珍珠了。
- It is a pearl of great value,’ Kino said. “这是一颗非常值钱的珍珠,”奇诺说。
- Im Kino haben wir die Autostaus gesehen. 在电影里我们见到过汽车堵塞。
- A man fired his rifle just as Kino attacked. 就在基诺袭击他们时,一个人开了枪。
- Das Kind darf nicht ins Kino gehen. 这个孩子不能(不被容许)去电影院。
- Er geht mit einer Freundin ins Kino. 他和一个女性朋友去看电影。
- Gegen Ende des Sommers 1742 war H ndel wieder in London. 1742年的夏天季末,亨德尔又到了伦敦。
- The music of the pearl was shrilling with triumph in Kino. 珍珠之歌在基诺心里奏出胜利的旋律。
- Qianlong seven years (1742), Zhong-Wu Jinshi, granted third-Lan Ling bodyguard. 乾隆七年(1742),中武进士,授兰翎三等侍卫。
- But Kino's face was set, and his mind and his will were set. 但基诺神色冷静,头脑清醒,意志坚决。
- Kino had wondered often at the iron in his patient, fragile wife. 他这个耐心,纤弱的妻子竟会有钢铁般的意志,这常使基诺感到惊奇。
- And Kino drew back his arm and flung the pearl with all his might. 基诺把胳膊往后一扬,使出全身力气,把珍珠扔了出去。
- Kino heard the little splash of morning waves on the beach. 奇诺听到早潮轻轻拍着沙滩的声音。