- Kirchner diverticulaum 咽鼓管憩室
- Mr Kirchner resigned as leader of the ruling Peronist movement. 基什内尔辞去了执政党正义党的主席职务。
- Mr Kirchner, who heads the Peronist movement, has resorted to artifice. 作为庇隆运动阵线的领导人,基什内尔也耍了一些技巧。
- But polls suggest Mr Kirchner would win even more easily than his wife. 但是选票却表明科奇勒先生能够更容易地获胜于他的妻子。
- She married Nestor Kirchner, her fellow university student, in 1975 before moving to the province of Santa Cruz, where the couple opened a law firm. 1975年,她与大学同学、奈斯特?基什内尔结婚,之后,两人搬往圣克鲁斯省,并在当地开了一家律师事务所。
- Like Mr Kirchner, she does not submit to press conferences or interviews by Argentine journalists. 菲南德斯女士与科奇勒先生一样,她没有召开新闻发布会或由阿根廷记者进行的采访。
- Chants of "Viva Cristina" erupted as Kirchner effectively traded her position as first lady for that of president. 在就职仪式上,当这位阿根廷前“第一夫人”正式“加冕”总统,全场爆发出“克里斯蒂娜万岁”的阵阵欢呼。
- It is called the Argentinean Mode or Kirchner Mode, which is viewed by some people as the rise of nuevo desarrollismo. 有的学者认为,阿根廷的经济发展实践是新发展主义在拉美兴起的标志。
- Where Mr Kirchner seemed to relish confrontation, she ran as a consensus-builder. 在基什内尔先生似乎喜欢采取对抗手段的地方,她则会力图寻求共识。
- "It's hard to remember the standouts because there's so many stupid things we get," Kirchner said. 基尔施纳说:“由于平时碰到的可笑的事情太多,以至于很难回忆有什麽特别的。”
- Kirchner and her family were forced to flee their home Sunday before they could grab Buddy. 基什内尔和她的家人被迫逃离家园周日才可以攫取好友。
- Cristina Fernandez will take office in December when her husband, President Nestor Kirchner, steps down after one term. 12月,当现任总统克里斯蒂娜的老公总统任期届满时,她将正式行使总统职责。
- Ms Kirchner might note that it is winning support within the traditionally pro-industry ruling Peronist party. 农民们联合起来的目的在于要用高额的所得税逐步代替引起市场扭曲的出口关税。
- Mr Kirchner demanded that the Americans send Mr Antonini to Argentina to face justice there. 基内什尔先生要求美国人将安东尼尼先生送到阿根廷接受那里的审判。
- Mr Kirchner gave up the leadership of the Justicialist (Peronist) Party, but turned it over to an ally. 基尔内什辞去了正义(庇隆主义)党主席、但是把这个职位交给了其同盟者[4]。
- After winning control of Congress in a mid-term election in 2005, Mr Kirchner dumped the prudent Mr Lavagna. 科奇勒先生在2005年的中期选举中控制了国会之后,他就彻底地摆脱了拉法格拉先生。
- The economy has grown at more than eight percent a year during Nestor Kirchner's presidency. 在NestorKirchner's总统的任期间,阿根廷的经济在一年内增长了高达8%25。
- President Kirchner and his wife lead the Peronist party, a movement that grew out of the rule of General Peron. 在一项由庇隆将军引领的运动后,Kirchner总统和他的妻子成为庇隆党的领导人。
- She received the sash of office from her husband, Nestor Kirchner, the outgoing head of state and became the first woman to be elected president of Argentina. 克里斯蒂娜从她的丈夫、前任总统奈斯特?基什内尔手中接过象征总统权力的绶带,成为阿根廷历史上首位民选女总统。
- Mr Kirchner gives warning that a vote for the opposition would mean that “jobs will vanish, the poor will fall back, a frightening past will return. 基什内尔警告说向反对派投票将意味着“工作岗位将会减少、贫穷将会归来、令人恐惧的过去也将再次降临。”