- Kitamura Kazuo 北村和夫(1927-),日本人,演员。
- Ferraro, Kazuo Nakamoto, Chris W.Brown. 书名 :Introductory Raman spectroscopy /John R.
- Dick Kitamura: Come and Change Our Buying Habits! 北村英树:请来改变日本顾客!
- China's Nanhai District, Foshan City Ping Zhen Julong Kitamura eight sea. 地址佛山市南海区平洲镇聚龙北村海八路。
- Kazuo Inamori is the founder and honorary board chairman of the famous Kyocera Co. 稻盛和夫是日本著名的京瓷公司的创办者,名誉董事长。
- Ohta T,Kitamura A,Ogata H. LH2 turbopump test with hydrostatic bearing. AIAA 99-2195. 晏砾堂;朱根等.;结构系统动力特性分析
- This dissertation discusses an aspect of Kazuo philosophy's cultural origin: the religion influence on Kazuo Inamori. 本文探讨的是稻盛哲学文化渊源的一个方面:宗教对稻盛和夫的影响。
- The author analyzes the reason why Kazuo Inamori became a monk and the particular religion of the Japanese. 文章还探讨了稻盛和夫出家为僧的原因,并从这一个案出发,深入分析了日本人独特的宗教观。
- "Japanese people simply aren't having sex," Dr.Kunio Kitamura, director of the Japan Family Planning Association said. 日本计划生育协会主任国生北村博士 说:“日本人根本就很少过性生活。”
- "Japanese people simply aren't having sex," Dr. Kunio Kitamura, director of the Japan Family Planning Association said. 日本计划生育协会主任国生北村博士说:“日本人根本就很少过性生活。”
- Qi-Guang Wu,Kazuo Noda, All admissible linear estimators in coordinatized multivariate linear models. 吴启光,杨国庆,一类正态线性模型中参数的一致最小风险同变估计的存在性,中国科学(A辑),第31卷,第10期,2001年,878-890。(2001
- The next day, she receives a message that her enemy is her former teacher, Fujisawa Kazuo. 第二天,她收到一条信息,告知她对手是前任老师藤泽和雄。
- Kazuo Kodama said that Medvedev would not want this issue left over to the next generation to solve. 儿玉和夫称,梅德韦杰夫表示不希望将这个问题遗留给下一代解决。
- Another is Japan's Kazuo Inamori, who founded one of the Kyocera and KDDI two global top 500 enterprises. 另一位是日本的稻盛和夫先生,他一个人缔造了京瓷和KDDI两家全球500强企业。
- Jurisdiction 11 village committees: North Yang, Wo Tou, South Zhu, south-eup, Kitamura, Lu Village, Tang Zhuang, Dong Zhang, North-yan. 辖11个村委会:北杨、窝头、南祝、南邑、北邑、卢村、邓庄、东章、北彦。
- The R-core transformers are ideal transformers making the most of R-core,the brainchild of Kitamura Kiden,which is a non-cut Core with a round section. 型铁心变压器为使用了北村机电发明的圆形无断面切割R型铁心的变压器。
- This is the latest novel from celebrated author and Booker Prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro, set in a grim, alternate version of contemporary England. 这是著名作家兼“布克奖”获得者石黑一雄推出的最新小说,以一个变换了原貌、冷酷可怖的当代英格兰为背景。
- In this controversial documentary, Kazuo Hara follows Kenzo Okuzaki in his real-life struggle attempting to expose the evils of Emperor Hirohito. 在这部有争议的纪录片中,原一男追踪拍摄了奥崎谦三试图揭露裕仁天皇罪恶的行动。
- In the Yuan, Ming period, because "when Kazuo Kwan, Wan Kai-Fu Mo" solid risk, known as the "three Chai", had set up its Duokou, unmanning guard. 在元、明时期,因其有“一夫当关,万夫莫开”之险固,被称为“三门寨”,曾在其上设立垛口,驻兵守护。
- "This is very bad news for the country's birth rate, and something the government needs to look into urgently," said Dr.Kunio Kitamura, the family planning association's director. 生育协会主任国生北村博士说:“这对日本的生育率来说无疑是个坏消息,政府必须立即对此采取措施。”