- Klebsiella scheromatis A phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体A, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体A
- Klebsiella scheromatis 467Sd phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体467Sd, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体467Sd
- Klebsiella scheromatis 483 phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体483, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体483
- Klebsiella scheromatis 490 phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体490, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体490
- Klebsiella scheromatis K1 70/11 phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体K1 70/11, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体K1 70/11
- Klebsiella scheromatis 11 phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体11, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体11
- Klebsiella scheromatis C phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体C, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体c
- Klebsiella scheromatis L1 phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体L1, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体L1
- Klebsiella scheromatis L2 phage 鼻硬结克雷白(氏)菌噬菌体L2, 鼻硬结克莱伯(氏)菌噬菌体L2
- In GENETIC ENGNEERING, nonviral DNA can be inserted into a phage, which is then used as a cloning vector. 在基因工程中,没有病毒的DNA可以被插入到噬菌体中,用作克隆载体。
- In transduction genetic material is transferred from one bacterial cell to another by a phage vector. 在转导中遗传物质从一个细菌细胞传给另一个细菌细胞是从噬菌体为媒介的。t
- Pseudomonas fluorescens A46 was a phage resistant strain obtained from the mutation of the strain K1005 by using U. 荧光假单胞菌A46是通过紫外线诱变K1005菌株所得到的一株抗噬菌体菌株。
- Str.ery threus 2-62 is a phage P4 lysogenic strain.It is an erythromycin producer and rich in aerial mycelium. 摘要 2-62菌株是一溶源性菌株,合成红霉素能力稳定,气生菌丝生长良好。
- A phage,named KS461-2,was separated from the abnormal fermentation liquid of Pseudomonas fluorescens A46 strain which produced 2-keto-D-gluconic acid. 从2-酮基-D-葡萄糖酸产生菌荧光假单胞菌A46异常发酵液中分离得到1种噬菌体,将其命名为KS461-2。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Ke Shen, et al. Bio-panning of HGV antigen epitope from a phage display library. Progress in Natural Science. 2000;10(6):446-450. 柯屾,等。核糖体展示技术。见:分子文库-中国生物技术丛书。沈倍奋主编。2001。北京:科学出版社。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- If such a phage also bears a fluorescent tag, it will then glow under the right conditions, and a microscope can pinpoint the defect. 如果有个病毒带有萤光标记,在适当的状况下会发光,这时只要一部显微镜,就能定位出缺陷所在。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。