- An incision was made into his leg. 他腿上切开了一个口子。
- Kocher incision 科克尔切口
- The surgeon closed the incision with stitches. 外科医生缝合了伤口。
- Surgical incision into the intestine. 肠切开术对肠实施的外科切开术
- An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. 他手上切开了一个口子以便取出那根刺。
- Surgical incision of the cornea. 角膜切开术外科中对角膜的切开
- Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor. 卵巢切开术切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤
- To protrude through a wound or surgical incision. 伤口或外科切口处突出
- A crosscut slice of beef; a crosscut incision. 横向切开的牛肉片;横向切开
- A surgical incision into the stomach. 切腹术一种进入胃内部的医学术
- Make a small incision below the ribs. 在肋骨下方切开一个小口。
- Doctors have to make a large incision to get to it. 医师必须切得很深才吸得到脂肪。
- Surgical incision into the skull. 通过手术切开头颅骨
- Surgical incision of the pleura. 胸膜切开术胸膜的外科切开术
- Surgical incision into the kidney. 肾切开术肾切开手术
- He made an incision into the leather. 他把皮革割开了一个口子。
- The decision is more important than the incision. 在一个成功的手术中,决策比刀法更重要。
- Then we would have to make an incision. 那时我们或许必须做个切口。
- Postoperative incision infection rate was 1.2%. 术后切口感染率为1.;2%25。
- Yes. Go ahead with your incision. 好了。做您的切口吧。