- Kojima Usui 小岛鸟水(1873-1948),日本人,作家、登山家。
- Kojima: As of now, we have no plans. 小岛:目前为止,还没有这个计划。
- Q. Does Usui Reiki Ryoho only heal illness? 问题:臼井灵气疗法只治愈疾病?
- Q. How does Usui Reiki Ryoho work? 问题:臼井灵气疗法如何做?
- Q. Can any illness be cured by Usui Reiki Ryoho? 问题:有任何的疾病是由臼井灵气疗法治愈的吗?
- Usui Reiki Ryoho does not only heal illness. 臼井灵气不仅仅只是治疗疾病。
- Reiki levels V and VI are not given directly from Mikao Usui. 灵气阶级五和六,并不是直接被臼井?男所给予的。
- Q. Then, can anybody receive Denju of Usui Reiki Ryoho? 问题:然后,任何人能接受臼井灵气疗法的传授吗?
- Usui Reiki Ryoho is materialized the healing power that human has. 臼井灵气被赋与人类有实现治愈力量。
- Q. Does Usui Reiki Ryoho use any medicine and are there any side effects? 问题:臼井灵气疗法做时使用任何的药会有任何的副作用吗?
- "We were seeking to produce a new type of game featuring news topics" said Evan Kojima a manager at LiveWare Inc. 于上周辞职的日本前财务大臣中川昭一已成为以搞怪而著称的日本网络游戏业的“新宠”。
- He forms a band called Aurora with his production partner, DSK aka Daisuke Kojima. 他形成了一个所谓的波段极光与他的制作伙伴, DSK可又名井上小岛。
- Kojima: No, it's XXX. If I were to say it all, perhaps XXXXX. I'm currently doing the game design and direction. 小岛:不是;这是XXX.;如果要我透露的话;这是XXXXX
- Thankfully, subsequent visits allow you to spot Hideo Kojima's fingers and give them a good stomping. 幸运的是,反复观察后,你会在刹车板上发现小岛秀夫的右脚,你还可以给他几脚。
- After acting as assistant at Fumihiko Maki Lab., At the University of Tokyo, Mr. Kojima became associate professor at Tokyo University of Science. 先生在东京大学槙文彦研究室担任助理之后便于东京理科大学担任副教授,现为东京理科大学教授。
- She merely uses the reiki as she would Usui Reiki, and invokes a symbol if she feels it is needed. 当她如此做时,她只使用臼井灵气,而且唤起一个灵气符号如果她感觉它是不可或缺的。
- Kojima: First, I wanted to be an astronaut. My next goal was to work in a wildlife preserve and then third, a detective. 小岛:首先,我希望成为一个宇航员。我的下一个目标就是在隐蔽的野外工作,第三,做一名侦探
- What is lucky was such as the Hideo Kojima such godfather level character already realized the question was, was only the incapable solution. 幸运的是诸如小岛秀夫这样的教父级人物已经认识到了问题的所在,只是无力解决。
- A few of my favorite artists (to whom I owe much inspiration) are Shunya Yamashita, Ayami Kojima, Caspar David Friedrich, M. 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。
- Police found a body in Gunma Prefecture Saturday morning a week after Japanese cartoonist Yoshito Usui was reported missing. 据日本媒体报道,就在人气漫画"蜡笔小新"作者臼井仪人失踪一周后,日本警方于周六早些时候在群马县发现一具男尸。