- Korean Chinese students 朝鲜族学生
- The house is tenanted by two Chinese students. 这所房屋由两个中国学生租住。
- Many Chinese students go abroad to study science. 许多中国学生去国外攻读理科。
- All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. 所有的中国学生都是少先队员。
- Some Chinese students of English have difficulty in getting their tongues round some English words. 许多学习英语的中国学生在一起英语单词的发音方面有很大困难。
- Have classes together with the Chinese Students. 跟中国学生一起上课。
- Chinese Students FreeNet in Europe. 欧洲华人休闲网。
- Are Chinese Students Cheating by Phone? 中国学生用手机作弊?
- This is a common mistake made by Chinese students. 这是中国学生常犯的错误。
- Among them were some Chinese students. 我注意到在场不少华裔学生也在起哄的行列中。
- KIMEP welcomes Chinese students to Almaty! KIMEP欢迎中国的有志学子来阿拉木图学习。
- In Busan, Korean students studying China and Chinese students at Inje University held a campaign named, Help China We Are Friends, on Monday. 本周一,釜山仁济大学中文系韩国学生和中国留学生们举行了一场命名为“帮助中国,我们是朋友”的活动。[图一
- Chinese Student and Scholars Association? 芝加哥大学留学生学者联合会?
- Is she a Chinese student or a Japanese student? 她是一位是中国学生还是日本的学生。
- The long attributive sentence is a characteristic syntactic structure,and is both key point and difficult point in Korean Chinese syntactic translation. 朝鲜语长定语句在朝鲜语里是很有特点的一种句法结构 ,是朝汉句法翻译中的重点和难点。
- Is she an Italian student or a Chinese student? 她是意大利学生还是中国学生?
- Rev.Goh is gifted in teaching and Mrs.Goh is a Korean Chinese and can speak fluent Korean.She can be a natural bridge person between GOI and the Korea churches. 吴牧师对教导工作很有恩赐,又吴师母本来是韩国华侨,能说一口流利的韩国语,对华传与韩国教会合办的神学院事工带来很多的方便,这是神很奇妙,很及时又很合适的预备。
- I think it's a big disadvantage of Chinese students. 我认为这是中国学生的一个大弱项。
- While for Chinese students,they've got to learn not to be shy. 而对中国学生来说,他们要学的就是不要羞怯。
- Most Chinese students lack self-confidence when speaking English. 大多数中国学生在讲英语时缺乏自信心。