- Korean People rs Army 朝鲜人民军
- the New People rs Army 新人民军
- Do not try to poke into other people rs business. 别探听别人的事情。
- The drama reflect the Korean People's Army 's glorious image of brave and skillful in battle in Korea wartime from 1950-1953. 本剧反映了1950-1953年朝鲜战争时期,英雄的朝鲜人民军侦察兵英勇善战,不怕牺牲的光荣形象。
- He is considerate of other people rs feelings. 他能体谅别人的感情。
- People rs standard of living is higher day by day. 人民的生活水平日益提高。
- The boy rejects other people rs criticism. 那男孩拒绝别人的批评。
- The leaders should observe the people rs condition. 领导要注意体察民情。
- It is wrong to spy into people rs affairs. 刺探他人的私事是错误的。
- He is very good at buying people rs support. 他很会笼络人。
- A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting and its participants watched Korean films“ Brilliant History of the Great Leadership” and“ Steel-strong Ranks, Korean People's Army”. 会上,各政党代表向金正日表示祝贺并观看了朝鲜电影《伟大领导者的光辉历史》和《钢铁部队,朝鲜人民军》。
- The Korean people set up a monument in memory of Comrade Luo Shengjiao. 朝鲜人民立了一个纪念碑纪念罗盛教同志。
- S. and Japanese aggressors and the south Korean puppets who hatched plots to intercept it," the official KCNA news cited a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA) as saying. 韩国一些媒体据此推断,朝鲜可能于美韩联合军演期间发射卫星。
- Aged people are always envious of young people rs energy. 上年纪的人总羡慕年轻人的精力。
- He always turns a deaf ear to other people rs criticism. 他对别人对他的批评总是听而不闻。
- It is the state rs responsibility to protect the people rs benefit. 保护百姓的利益是国家的职责。
- How dare he grab the fruits of other people rs labor? 他怎么能窃夺别人的劳动果实?
- Philosophy is not so profound; it is close to people rs life. 哲学并不高深,离人们的生活很近。
- First, together with the Korean people we have fought our way back to the 38th Parallel and held on there. 第一,和朝鲜人民一起,打回到三八线,守住了三八线。
- Seeing the people rs plight, he knelt down and prayed. 看到人民的困境,他跪下祈祷。