- Korean international students 韩国留学生
- Yes, we are international students. 嘉宾:是的,我们是这个学校的留学生。
- Yaser was an international student from Jordan. 亚瑟是来自约旦的外国留学生。
- The tuition and fees fall heavy on the international students. 学杂费昂贵,外国留学生负担不起。
- My purpose is to be an international student. 我的目的是留学。
- Guiding junior nurses and intern studentS. 带教新工作护士及实习生。
- Margaret: Is Magda an international student too? 也许吧。我还没有问过她。
- International students must not enrol in on-line courses. 国际学生不可以在在线课程中登记。
- These regulations are inapplicable to international students. 这些规章不适用于外籍学生。
- The South Korean international is aware he may see limited playing time next season because of his injury, but declared he will make the most of his opportunities. 他说:"我会因为受伤而得到很少的机会上场,但我会把尽力做出贡献的。"[大家认为朴智星的位置在新赛季是否会被取代呢?
- Are there any special support services for international students? 对于留学生,有没有特殊的支持服务?
- Financial aid is available to international students. 外国留学生可获得校方资助。
- This form is for TMU international students admission application. 一、本表供外国学生申请台北医学大学入学使用。
- International students can apply for scholarships and grants. 国际学生可以申请奖学金或助学金。
- And also because of this incident, the Korean government has stated it will be making visa policies more stringent, which jeopardizes the interests of all Chinese and international students in Korea. 也因为这件事,韩国政府表示要在签证政策上更加严厉,危及了所有在韩华人和留学生的切身利益。
- The College regards you as an International student. 学院随时欢迎国际学生的到来。
- International Student has to take English Proficiency Test. 外国学生必须参加英文入学资格水平考试。
- NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program. NYU这个计划没有为学生提供经济援助。
- It should be the heartfelt wishes of all the international students. 我想这也是大部份国际学生的心声吧!