- The Korean people set up a monument in memory of Comrade Luo Shengjiao. 朝鲜人民立了一个纪念碑纪念罗盛教同志。
- First, together with the Korean people we have fought our way back to the 38th Parallel and held on there. 第一,和朝鲜人民一起,打回到三八线,守住了三八线。
- Like Americans, the South Korean people also celebrate Christmas Day and New Year's Day. 和美国人一样,韩国人民也过圣诞节和新年。
- Girls wear beautiful dresses on this day. They sing and dance under the moon. Korean people love rice cakes. 他们的米糕花样可多了,非常好吃。韩国人在这天还要扫墓,纪念祖先。
- Sad Korean people, someone still wants to let you keep this stretch of "pure land"! 可悲的朝鲜人民,有人还想让你们维持这片“净土”!
- Please permit me, on behalf of the Chinese people, to extend my heartfelt greetings to the Korean people. 请允许我代表中国人民向朝鲜人民表示衷心的祝贺。
- The Korean people enjoy the policy of four major welfare at present: First, free education. 目前朝鲜人民享有四大福利政策:一是免费教育。
- KBS television testament open this part of the contents of blockbuster like the South Korean people are so shocked. KBS电视台公开的这部分遗书内容,犹如重磅炸弹让韩国民众无不感到震惊。
- I am an ethnic Korean in China, but I am not the Korean people is not Korean. Read my nationality I am a Chinese. 我是一个中国的朝鲜族,但是我不是朝鲜人也不是韩国人。我的国籍上写着我是个中国人。
- Yesterday, I saw an article saying that South Korea is a scholar Sima Qian also said that Korean people. 昨日,我看到了一篇文章,说是韩国有学者说司马迁也是韩国人。
- However, they were not well received by Korean people because they did not give the ondol's warm and cozy feeling. 但是,这个方法对于韩国人来说不能接受,因为韩国人感觉不到在暖炕里的暖和和舒服。
- Superficially, Korean people seem to be tough, but deep down inside, they have been proven meager. 高丽人表面上看很驴,不可一世的样子,自称骨头最硬,但骨子里却懦无能,一战即溃。
- So the flag itself reflects the ideal of Korean people to live harmonically with the universe forever. 整个国旗象徵著韩国人民永远与宇宙协调发展的理想。
- With crusading voices coming from the media and government, the Korean people's hatred toward the Chinese people has of course reached its peak. 媒体,政府是一片讨伐的声音,韩国人民当然也对中国人的憎恨到达了极限。
- The drama reflect the Korean People's Army 's glorious image of brave and skillful in battle in Korea wartime from 1950-1953. 本剧反映了1950-1953年朝鲜战争时期,英雄的朝鲜人民军侦察兵英勇善战,不怕牺牲的光荣形象。
- Completely break the Korean people in this project the myth of invincibility. the Chinese striker at the Athens final stone's enemies! 彻底打破了韩国人在这个项目上不可战胜的神话.;中国射手终报雅典一箭之仇!
- Excerpt from a talk with a military delegation from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea,headed by O Jin U,Minister of the Korean People's Armed Forces. 这是邓小平同志会见由朝鲜人民武装力量部部长吴振宇率领的朝鲜政府军事代表团时谈话的一部分。
- If they had not accepted the truce, their whole battle line would have been broken through and Seoul would have fallen into the hands of the Korean people. 如果不和,它的整个战线就要被打破,汉城就可能落入朝鲜人民之手。
- Translate and say to me at this moment, certainly, in war of liberation of motherland, The Chinese people have offered powerful support to the Korean people. 这时翻译对我说,当然了,在祖国解放战争中,中国人民给予了朝鲜人民强有力的支持。
- The fact that the Korean people can not believe that such a major historical change has occurred is very natural, since even political experts did not expect it. 韩国人民无法相信这重大的历史变化是可以想像的,因为甚至连政治专家都没有料到。