- Accordingly, modern Korean rice varieties have shorter and stiffer culm characters. 结果,现代韩国水稻品种具有禾茎短硬的特点。
- Korean rice varieties 韩国水稻
- The AFLP and RFLP were used to study the diversity of 20 rice varieties. 摘要利用AFLP和RFLP技术对20个水稻品种(系)进行了遗传多样性分析。
- The Korean rice standards came out comparatively late but developed very fast,following Japanese rice grading pattern in some degree. 韩国的稻米标准起步相对较晚,但发展很快,某种程度上借鉴日本稻米分级模式。
- Brazilian upland rice Aiba 9 was used as the control,comparison experiments of five new upland rice varieties such as Handao 502 and Handao 10 etc. 以巴西旱稻艾巴9号为对照,对旱稻502、旱稻10号等5个品种进行小区比较试验。
- The starter-making techniques, production techniques and product wine quality indexes of Dongxiang glutinous rice wine and of Korean rice wine were compared. 摘要对侗乡糯米酒与朝鲜族米酒酒曲制作工艺、生产工艺以及成品酒指标进行了比较研究。
- A new japonica rice variety"Fengdao No. 高海拔粳稻新品种"凤稻17号"
- DV85 and IR24 are two indica rice varieties, which are highly resistance andhighly susceptible to BLS respectively. DV85和IR24是两个籼稻品种,对水稻细菌性条斑病(简称水稻细条病)分别表现为高抗和高感。
- Two dimension compositor was made in rice varieties for Pn and RSP,and this coordinate was divided into 4 quadrants. 对供试水稻种质资源光合速率及光合功能期进行二维排序并将坐标分成4个象限。
- The effect of rice varieties(combination) and passivator on Cd content in brown rice was studied using pot experiment. 利用盆栽实验研究了不同水稻品种(组合)和添加钝化剂后的糙米镉含量。
- The radiosensitivities of three rice varieties were in order of Jianyu 293>Zhou 903>Zhe 733. 3个品种的辐射敏感性从高至低的顺序为加育293>舟903>浙733。
- ANOVA model selection was necessary in the 5 rice varieties comparison trial data. 对5个水稻品种比较试验进行方差分析模型的选择是必要的;
- The passionate intensity has come instead from the opponents of the round, such as South Korean rice farmers, who want to keep their market shut tight, or Texan cotton growers, who want to hang on to their handouts. 表现十分活跃的反而是那些谈判的阻碍势力,例如韩国种水稻的农民,他们希望本国市场的大门紧紧关闭;还有德克萨斯的棉农,他们则希望继续享受政府补贴。
- Most rice sold in Tesco and Sainsbury are of Indian and Thai varieties.I prefer Japanese and Korean rice, more sticky and the aroma is closer to Taiwanese rice.More expensive needless to say!!! 不好意思;我吃隔壁5号他们家种的米....至于他们家种的是不是台湾米;我不是很清楚;要问植物学家....不过;我偶尔会去超市买日本米来吃.
- Incorporating these traits into commercial rice varieties could substantially improve current levels of global micronutrient deficiency. 把这些特性引进入商业贩卖的稻米种类内能够实质上改良目前微量营养素缺乏的现象。
- The changes of chlorophyll content in the leaves of both Brazilian upland rice and normal rice varieties after drought stress were not obvious. 干旱胁迫后不同水陆稻品种叶片中叶绿素含量变化均不明显;
- The ten main agronomic characters of twenty-seven rice varieties was investigated in this experiment in yellow river irrigation areas of Ningxia. 摘要分别考查了宁夏引黄灌区27个水稻品种的10个主要农艺性状,对达到显著差异的7个性状进行主成分分析,并对影响单株粒重的6个性状进行通径分析。
- H359 and Acc8558 are two indica rice varieties, which are highly susceptible and highly resistant to bacterial leaf streak (BLS), respectively. H359与Acc8558是两个籼稻品种,对水稻细菌性条斑病病(简称水稻细条病)分别表现高感和高抗。
- During the course of this varietal improvement, the techniques for shortening breeding cycle were adopted in developing new rice varieties. 在品种改良过程中,用缩短培育周期的技术培育新稻种。
- F ig. 1 The changes in chlorophyll content and dry w eight in different rice varieties under shading or photooxidation conditions. 图1遮荫和光氧化条件下不同高产稻叶绿素和干重的变化。