- Kuan - yin Goddess 观音老母
- He adores this screen goddess with godliness. 他十分虔诚地崇拜女明星。
- Kuan Yin Tong sit south, at Temple House of Representatives. 观音堂坐北朝南,庙分两院。
- Quan Yin carries the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect of Buddhism. 观音具有女神和神性母亲佛的形象。
- Venus was a goddess worshiped by the Romans. 维纳斯是罗马人所崇拜的女神。
- Diana is the goddess of hunting in Greek and Latin mythology. 戴安娜在希腊罗马神话中是狩猎女神。
- A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess. 向女神祭献了一头牺牲小牛。
- This ancient healing technique connects the healer with uses the higher frequencies of the goddess Kwan Yin. 这古老疗愈技巧将疗愈者与使用更高女神观音的频率连接起来。
- Many figures of Kuan Yin can be identified by the presence of a small image of Amitabha in her crown. 通过观音王冠里存有的阿弥陀佛小肖像就可鉴别观音的许多身份。
- They adored her as a living goddess. 他们把她当作活女神崇拜。
- The iconography of Kuan Yin depicts her in many forms, each one revealing a unique aspect of her merciful presence. 观音像描写了她许多形态,每一幅具有她特定慈悲存在的启迪形象。
- The goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment. 埃特引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神
- Hong Kong can hardly produce a Lee Kuan Yew. 香港难有李光耀。
- He adored her as a living goddess. 他把她当作活女神崇拜。
- Kuan Yin jadeite pendant is usually worn as an amulet to bring good fortune and as protections against harm and evil. 人们通常挂着观音挂坠是为了带来好运和驱邪避害的。
- Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew replies to Malaysian. 李光耀回信了。
- Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. 佛洛狄特是爱与美之女神。
- During his stay in Yin Tin Tsai island, Fr. 范若瑟神父在这期间也探访了大屿山一些渔村。
- He turned first to the shiny goddess. 他先转身朝着那光明的女神看了一下。