- A small, stub-tailed Eurasian quail(Coturnix coturnix) having sandy, streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research. 鹑鹌属旧大陆的一种小的短粗尾的鹌鹑(鹌鹑),具有沙色的有条纹的羽毛,通常用于实验室的研究工作
- Laboratory research on EOR techniques in the second block of Skengtuo oil field. 胜坨油田二区提高采收率方法室内实验研究
- Laboratory research on a newly developed hot coal gas dechlorination agent was described in this paper. 本文介绍了高温煤气脱氯剂的实验室研制情况。
- The results of the Virginia Tech study are buttressed by new laboratory research from the University of Utah. 犹他大学的最新实验室研究支持了弗吉尼亚理工大学研究所的研究结果。
- A small,stub-tailed Eurasian quail(Coturnix coturnix) having sandy,streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research. 鹑鹌属旧大陆的一种小的短粗尾的鹌鹑(鹌鹑),具有沙色的有条纹的羽毛,通常用于实验室的研究工作
- The institute also educates future scientists by providing hands-on laboratory research for more than 250 students per semester. 该研究所还在每学期为超过250名学生提供手把手的实验室研究机会,从而教育未来的科学家。
- A small,stub - tailed Eurasian quail(Coturnix coturnix)having sandy,streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research. 鹑鹌属旧大陆的一种小的短粗尾的鹌鹑(鹌鹑),具有沙色的有条纹的羽毛,通常用于实验室的研究工作
- The essay summarized development on the proto shape biological reconstruction as to the practical cases and laboratory research. 文中针对原位生物修复的发展情况分别就生物修复实例和实验室研究进展进行了综述。
- Laboratory research has shown that the UMF and hydrogen peroxide found in this honey kills bacteria and fungi found in wounds and stomach ulcers. 实验室研究表明,UMF和过氧化氢在此发现蜂蜜杀死细菌和真菌中发现伤口和胃溃疡。
- Fiala noted that this is early laboratory research and that no dosage of vitamin D or curcumin can be recommended at this point. Fiala指出,这仍是早期的实验室研究,在现阶段尚没有建议剂量的研究。
- Laboratory research on chemical leaching and bioleaching of the stored ores in gob from Shouwangfen Copper Mine are conducted. 对寿王坟铜矿采空区存窿矿石进行了室内化学浸出与细菌浸出试验。
- Because Francium is mainly only found synthetically in laboratory research, it has no known use outside of the laboratory. 由于钫主要仅在实验室研究中产生,它在实验室外没有已知的用途。
- This paper presents laboratory research results of cement solidification of borate acid liquid wastes and concentrates arising from PWR. 本文介绍了压水堆核电站产生的硼酸废液和浓缩废液水泥固化的实验室研究结果。
- Basic laboratory research, as well as solidification theory, indicate that there are two distinct paths to form the desired structure for semi-solid forming. 从基本的实验室研究及固化原理上看,有两种完全不同的方法形成理想的半固态结构。
- The laboratory research work on the synthesis and separation of dimethyl carbonate fromliquid phase oxidative carbonylation process undr static conditions are summarized. 总结了静态条件下甲醇液相氧化羰化合成碳酸二甲酯以及产品分离的研究工作。
- Objective To explore the species of common helminth in Tupaia belangeri chinensis, and to provide scientific basis for laboratory research, domestication and artificial breeding. 目的了解野栖树鼩体内常见的寄生蠕虫种类,为实验研究、驯化和人工饲养提供科学依据。
- The laboratory research and field tests on movable gel as profile control and flooding for complex fractured sandstone reservoir were carried out in Huabei Oilfield. 室内研究和现场试验证明,华北油田在复杂断块砂岩油藏实施的可动凝胶调驱取得了突破性进展。
- Objective To explore the species of common helminth in Tupaia belangeri chinensis, and to provide scientific heals for laboratory research, domestication and artificial breeding. 摘要目的了解野栖树鼩体内常见的寄生蠕虫种类,为实验研究、驯化和人工饲养提供科学依据。
- Recent laboratory research has found that small amounts of medication have affected human embryonic kidney cells, human blood cells and human breast cancer cells. 最近实验室研究已经发现少量药物已经影响到了人类胚胎肾细胞、人类血细胞和人类乳腺癌细胞。
- While it's not entirely ready for combat, laboratory research suggests that liquid body armor has the potential to be a good replacement for or supplement to bulkier vests. 无论是用金属板还是纤维层制成,盔甲常常很笨重。有些盔甲很坚硬,所以用作手臂、腿和脖子处的防护就有些不切实际。