- Labyrinth of time and space 时空迷宫
- Operation can be expensive in terms of time and space. 操作在时间和空间方面的花费会很大。
- Most likely,our son is now moving around,free of the limits of time and space. 我们的儿子很可能现在就在我们身边,再也不受时间和空间的限制了。
- The grotesquery is mainly represented in the form of time and space. 这种怪诞性主要表现在空间形式与时间形式两大层面。
- We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project. 我们为这一项目付出了大量的时间和精力。
- Traditional Chinese opera conveys the idea of time and space to the audience through staged performances. 传统的中国戏剧通过舞台表演向观众传达时间与空间的概念。
- The available methods impose restrictions on the scales of time and space that can be studied. 采用的方法对于研究的时间和空间范围有一定的限制。
- We have to work within the parameters of time and budget. 我们工作受时间和财力所限。
- Forgive yourself and your own ancestry for your own atrocities through the dance of time and space upon Earth, and you shall forgive all others. 宽恕你自己和你祖辈在地球上时间与空间之舞中带来的暴行,你将宽恕所有其他人。
- Programmers that do not comprehend the Tao are always running out of time and space for their programs. 不懂编程之道的程序员常常把空间和时间消耗殆尽。
- He got to the station in the nick of time and caught the train. 他及时赶到车站,乘上了火车。
- What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of the end, and the end of every place? 什么东西在永恒的开始却在时间和空间的尽头,在结束的开头,却在每个地方的结尾?
- What a fearful waste of time and money! 这样浪费时间和金钱真是不得了!
- This is a tunnel of dimensions, a tunnel of time and space, a tunnel of energy transformation. 这是一个多度空间的隧道,一个时间和空间的隧道,一个能量转化的隧道。
- There are no constants at all, and measurements of time and space depend on the position of the observer. 根本没有不变的事物,时间和空间的衡量取决于观察者的位置,是相对的。
- A labyrinth of rules and regulations. 错综复杂的规章和制度
- As a style of hunman cultures, art records the man's undersdanding of time and space with its sensatory way. 艺术作为人类文化形式之一种,以其独有的感性形式记录了对时空的理解。
- Galactic travelers have long traversed the corridors of time and space, and peri odically visited this solar system. 银河的旅行者在时间和空间的走廊上作长途旅行,小精灵颂歌般地访问了这个太阳系。
- LPSVR decreased computational complexity of time and space by replacing quadratic programming with linear programming. LPSVR采用线性规划取代二次规划,使得计算的时间和空间复杂度大为降低。
- The organization of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy. 组织这样大规模的聚会要花费许多时间和精力。