- N.Quninou,J.Noblet.Influence of High Anibient Temperature on performance of Multiparous Lactating Sows[J].Anim.sci.,1999 77:2124-2134. 王涛;王金勇等.;夏季高温对种猪繁殖性能的影响及应对措施[J]
- If a lactating sow drinks about 30 liters a day, sow will not want to stand to drink for much more than 15 minutes. 比如,假如是一头泌乳母猪每天饮水大约为30公升,母猪并不想站起来饮水超过15分钟。
- This paper discusses the special functions of BCAA for lactating animals, the requirement of BCAA by lactating sows, and the effects of BCAA and their metabolites on protein synthesis and degradation. 作者着重阐述支链氨基酸对泌乳的特殊作用,泌乳母猪对支链氨基酸的需要量,以及支链氨基酸及其代谢产物对蛋白质合成和降解的影响。
- The daily feed intake, interval from weaning to estrus of lactating sow, number of piglets, and its survival at weanling were not significantly affected by the 13% CP diet with lysine supplementation. 母猪饲料采食量、离乳后之发情间距和仔猪的离乳头数及存活率于各处理间未有显著差异。
- Throughout lactation, sows were allowed to consume a standard lactating sow diet ad libitum. 整个哺乳期,自由采食标准哺乳日粮。
- Comparison of the Behavior between Indigenous and Exotics Lactating Sows 土种母猪和洋母猪的行为比较研究
- The Nutritional Study of Branched-chain Amino Acids on Lactating Sows 支链氨基酸对泌乳母猪的营养研究进展
- Research advances of branched-chain amino acid in nutrition of lactating sows 支链氨基酸在哺乳母猪营养中的研究进展
- Feeding behavior in primiparous lactating sows: Impact of a high-fiber diet during pregnancy 高纤维日粮对妊娠母猪繁殖性能的影响
- The Health and Welfare of Lactating Sows and Sucking Piglets. Disease Problems In Sows Disease Problems in Piglets 泌乳母猪和哺乳仔猪的动物福利
- The farmers here sow once a year. 这里的农民一年播一次种子。
- He tried to sow discontent among us. 他企图在我们中间散布不满情绪。
- Effects of feeding Chinese traditional herbal medicines "Bailisan" to lactating sows on prevention and treatment of white scour of piglets 母猪喂服中药"白痢散"对仔猪白痢病的防治试验
- Like humans, sows also breast-feed their babies. 与人一样,母猪也给自己的幼仔喂奶。
- Effect of adding different alfalfa meals to the diet of sow on the performance and serum item of lactating sows and suckling piglets 不同水平苜蓿草粉对哺乳母猪及其仔猪生产性能及血清指标的影响
- Sow the seeds now and in due course you will have the flowers. 现在播种,到了时候就可以得到鲜花。
- If we sow the seed now, in due course we will have the flowers. 如果我们现在播下种子,到时候会开花的。
- Not for pregnant women or lactating women. 怀孕妇女或哺乳期妇女禁用。
- Sows are suffering from virus pneumonia. 母猪感染了病毒性肺炎。