- Lamina of lumbar vertebra 腰椎板
- There is significant difference existed between BMDs of lumbar vertebra in healthy people lived in Lanzhou or Beijing area respectively. 本地区健康人腰椎BMD与北京地区的相应数值差异显著。
- Conclusion: Herbal fumigation and combined XIANLINGGUBAO is one of effective treatment methods for osteoarthritis of lumbar vertebra. 结论:中药热烫合仙灵骨葆是治疗腰椎骨关节病的有效方法。
- Cervical spondylosis, hernia of lumbar vertebra basin, lumbocrural pain, osseous arthritis, periarthritis humeroscapularis, headaches and insomnia, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis, apoplexy sequela etc. 颈椎病、腰椎间盘脱出、腰腿痛、骨性关节病、肩周炎、头痛失眠、三叉神经痛、面瘫、中风后遗症等。
- Bone mineral density (BMD) of lumbar vertebra and upper femur, serum osteocaicin (s BGP) and urinary oxyproline hydroxyproline/creatinine ratio (Hyp/Cr) were determined at the beginning and ending of the study. 研究开始和结束时检测受试者腰椎和股骨上端骨密度 ,以及血清骨钙素 (s BGP)和尿羟脯氨酸与肌酐比值 (Hyp/Cr)。
- The major causes of the unusual relationship were sequestered disc displacement, extreme lateral lumbar disc extrusion, median or paramedian disc protrusions and sacralization of lumbar vertebra. 压迫下2个出口的神经根者占5.;9%25,主要原因为向下游离型椎间盘突出物的位移、中央或偏中央型椎间盘突出以及移行椎。
- Results CT appearences of lumbar vertebra disc protruding mainly were:lumber vertebra disc bulging、herniated disc and lumbar vertebra disc bulging merged with lumbar vertebra disc hemiation. 结果腰椎间盘突出的CT表现主要有:腰椎间盘膨隆,腰椎间盘疝以及腰椎间盘膨隆合并疝,探讨了形成这些病理改变的解剖方面的因素。
- Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra 腰椎压缩骨折
- Chance fracture of lumbar vertebra 腰椎安全带骨折
- Burst fracture of lumbar vertebra 腰椎爆裂骨折
- CT Diagnosis in Fracture of Lumbar Vertebra CT在腰椎骨折中的诊断价值
- Sacralization of lumbar vertebra 腰椎骶骨化
- Transverse process of lumbar vertebra 腰椎横突
- Open dislocation of lumbar vertebra 腰椎开放性脱位
- Spinous process of lumbar vertebra 腰椎棘突
- Intervertebral disc of lumbar vertebra 腰椎椎间盘
- Intervertebral foramen of lumbar vertebra 腰椎椎间孔
- Comparison of BMC with BMD for assessing the bone intensity of lumbar vertebrae in children. 探讨腰椎BMC和BMD指标评价儿童骨体重负荷的优次
- When remove the free protruded fregments, the residue often is the case of reoperation of lumbar vertebrae. 在取出游离于椎管内的间盘组织时,残余碎块未取净是腰椎再次手术的常见原因之一。
- Articular process of lumbar vertebra 腰椎关节突