- Lao Zhang did not immediately speak his mind. 老张没有马上把心里话讲出来。
- Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job. 现在老焦对工作兴趣更大了。
- Lao Sun suddenly slipped out of the hall. 老孙突然从礼堂溜了出来。
- Lao Wu came for her at her lodgings. 老吴到她的住处来接她。
- I afterwards heard from Lao Li that this was not the case. 后来我听老李说,情况并不如此。
- Kuan Ssu was a native of Wu-ch’eng, Chekiang. 关思,乌程人,字何思,号虚白,一名九思,字仲通,善山水。
- Pred Weston, Kwang S.Chung, Susan E. 译自: Mergess; restructuring and corporate contral / J.
- Lao Li's craftsmanship is better than all of us. 老李的手艺比我们几个都好。
- Ssu shih li p"u. Characteristic ruins. March 7. 3月7日,四十里铺,废墟。
- I saw that Lao Yuan had just turned the corner. 我看见老袁刚拐弯。
- Inteoneseul iyong-hal ssu innayo? 我可以上因特网吗?
- Last night we had a telegram from Lao Yang. 昨天夜里我们接到老杨一份电报。
- Then he put through a call to Lao Wang. 然后他给老王挂了一个电话。
- The man on the right is Lao Liang. 右边的人是老梁。
- Lao Wu went on reading the editorial. 老吴继续阅读社论。
- Lao Zhou was named a model peasant. 老周被授予。"劳模"的称号。
- Why not put the matter in Lao Yu's hand? 何不把这事交给老俞办?
- Lao Liu acted the part of the team leader. 老刘扮演队长。
- Lao Yu came in. He was looking pale and worried. 老余走了进来,面色苍白,显得很着急的样子。
- Lao Tao received burns all over his body. 老陶全身都烧伤了。