- Laser surgical technique 激光外科技术
- Surgical technique included standard pars plana vitrectomy with combined of peeling proliferative membrane, innerocular laser and innerocular filling. 手术包括经睫状体平坦部的玻璃体切割、增生膜剥离、眼内激光及眼内填充术。
- Objective:To study the new surgical technique for axial vertebre tumor. 目的:探讨枢椎肿瘤切除和椎体重建的新方法。
- Improved surgical technique can reduce the incidence of complications of ERC. 熟练的操作技术可减少并发症。
- The most efficient antibiotic cannot compensate for inadequate and poor surgical technique. 最有效的抗菌素不能补偿不适当的粗劣的外科技术。
- Postoperative care is part of the operation and is equal to fine surgical technique. 术后监护是手术的一部分,它和良好的手术技术同样重要。
- Objective To investigate the surgical technique in laparoscopic fenestration and drainage for hepatic cysts. 目的探讨腹腔镜肝囊肿开窗引流手术技巧与并发症的预防。
- Conclusion:SMA simplify the surgical technique,and avoid possible damage to the facial nerv... 结论:上鼓室径路避免了对鼓索神经和面神经的损害,使手术更为简便易行。
- Conclusion Complete resection of the diverticulum is a good surgical technique, diverticular o... 结论单纯憩室切除术为较满意的外科术式,术中憩室以胃管定位的方法简便、实用。
- To probe the surgical technique and the clinical effect in straightening simple chordee of penis. 探讨单纯性阴茎下弯矫直的手术方法和疗效。
- Methods:The primary repair of incised injury on palm tendon was adopted by routine surgical technique. 方法:应用常规外科技术一期修复手掌侧肌腱切割伤,并结合术后功能恢复训练。
- Objective:Introduce the surgical technique of anterior screw fixation in odontoid process fractures. 目的:介绍颈前路螺丝钉内固定治疗齿状突骨折的方法。
- Surgical Technique: The lung and pancreas allografts were procured from a single cadaveric donor. 手术技巧: 移植用的肺和胰腺来自于同一名尸体供体。
- Surgical technique is a major predictor of who will require permanent pacing after cardiac transplantation. 外科技术是心脏移植后是否需要永久心脏起搏的主要预测因素。
- The method of surgical technique training to laparoscopic surgeons was discussed. 对腹腔镜外科医师技术培训方法进行了探讨。
- laser scalpel; laser surgical knife equipment 激光手术刀
- Comparing results and to find out the main surgical technique and the indication for endarterectomy. 对比手术结果,提出主要外科技术和手术指征。
- Laser scalpel;laser surgical knife equipment 激光手术刀
- Methods: 85 patients were treated operatively with minimal invasive surgical technique. 方法:85例膝关节周围损伤采用微创外科技术手术治疗。
- He also began to write in medical journals, outlining new surgical techniques. 他开始在医学杂志上撰写文章介绍新的外科技术。