- Laspeyresia splendana 小蛀果斑螟
- Laspeyresia splendana (Hübner) 栗实蛾
- Abstract In recent years, the codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella (L.) has spread from the Hexi Corridor to inland apple production areas of China, and the pest situation is serious. 摘要 苹果蠹蛾近年来正从甘肃河西走廊向内地蔓延,形势十分严峻。
- Abstract : Codling moth, Laspeyresia pomonella (L.), is one of the most important pests in fruit production around the world, and has become important quarantine object in many countries. 摘要 : 苹果蠹蛾是世界性重要的果树害虫之一,适应性广,危害严重,成为许多国家重要的检疫对象。
- Codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella) 苹果蠹蛾
- Laspeyresia pomonella 苹果蠹蛾