- The Livelihood and Common Practice of Intellectual in late Ming Times 晚明士人生计与士风
- Secular Life: the Predicament of Confucian Classics Way of Life and the Transformation of Intellectual Social Role in Late Ming Time 世俗人生:儒家经典生活的窘境与晚明士人社会角色的转化
- Late Ming times 晚明
- scholars in the late Ming time 晚明士人
- Xiaopin in Late Ming dynasty refers to literary proses after Wanli time. 晚明小品是指明代万历以后出现的文学性散文。
- The image of Ximen Qing emerged in mid and late Ming Dynasty. 西门庆形象产生的时代背景是明代中后叶。
- The flexible and meaningful individuated short essays of late Ming dynasty were the proclamation of the scholars of that time. 摘要形式轻灵、隽永,体制短小精炼而富有个性化的小品文,是晚明文人心灵的宣言书。
- The Disputation of the Tung-Lin Faction was a great political event in the late Ming Period and it implicated the society at that time a lot. 东林党议作为晚明政治生活中的重大事件,其于晚明社会的关涉是多方面的。
- Lizhi is a most important figure in the late Ming Dynasty.Without any exaggeratingly speaking, the 16th century is the time of Li Zhi. 摘要李贽在晚明学术思想史上凸显为领军式人物,可以毫不夸张地说,16世纪是李贽的世纪。
- Catholicism spread in China during the late Ming and early Qing periods. 明末清初,天主教传入我国,并大力劝化世人信奉之。
- Rose Rutabaga was first made in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 玫瑰大头菜创始于明末清初,以鲜嫩芥菜为主料,用红糖、盐、饴糖、老白酱油等腌制。
- The Peking of Ming times was somewhat smaller than Kublai Khan's, but in the course of time it gained in size and splendour. 明王朝时期的北京规模比忽必烈时代的要小,但随着时间的推移,北京变得越来越大、越来越壮观。
- At the time of Late Ming and Early Qing sinology was established, and in this history of several hundred years it has shown the strong attractivity of the cultures of China. 即使在明末清初汉学的真正建立时期,至今这数百年的历史也凸现了中国文化的强大魅力。
- Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty. 杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。
- The pioneers of seeking truth from the West: the generation of giants among Late Ming intelligentsia. 向西方寻求真理的先驱:晚明知识界的一代伟人。
- Gu Zuyu was not only a famous patriotic historical geographer and military strategist, but also a book compiler in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. 摘要顾祖禹是明末清初著名的历史地理学家,军事家,且是一位图书编撰家。
- It was unbalanced examined from regions, and it experienced some changes in the early, middle and late Ming Dynasty. 从地域上看,明代人口分布并不均衡;从时间上看,明代前、中、后期各地区人口分布发生了一些变化。
- This dissertation is research on Xiang's calligraphy connoisseurship and collection in Jiaxing, late Ming dynasty. 本文为晚明嘉兴项氏法书鉴藏的专题研究,分五章。
- The late Ming, the head of onglin party to this hang, left "Maundy Yuantouzhu edge" sites. 明末,东林党首领高攀龙常来此踏浪吟哦,留有“鼋头渚边濯足”遗迹。
- Min-family and Ling-family in WuXing was important private publisher in late Ming dynasty. 摘要吴兴闵氏、凌氏家族是明代后期浙江重要的私家刻书商。