- Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomat in the late Qing period. 摘要伍廷芳是晚清时期著名的外交家。
- His theory which focuses on judicial independence,the system of torture and judicial neutrality enriches the judicial theory in the late Qing period. 他对司法独立、刑讯制度以及司法中立问题的关注和论述丰富了晚清时期司法理论。
- In the late Qing period, there appeared a literary family in Lingui, Guangxi, with Wang Bida, Wang Bifan and Wang Pengyun as its representatives. 摘要清代后期,广西临桂出现了一个以王必达、王必蕃、王鹏运为代表的文学家族,三人的文学创作都有一定的成就,其中王鹏运的成就最为突出,为“晚清四大词人”之一。
- In the continuous “popular revolts” of the late Qing period, conflict between the gentry and common people tended to become more and more frequent and radical. 内容提要 自来水的出现对近代城市的影响是巨大的,它改变了城市的空间结构,促进了城市市政体系的形成。
- In the continuous "popular revolts" of the late Qing period, conflict between the gentry and common people tended to become more and more frequent and radical. 摘要在持续不绝的晚清“民变”风潮中,绅民冲突呈现出日趋频繁和激烈的走向。
- Catholicism spread in China during the late Ming and early Qing periods. 明末清初,天主教传入我国,并大力劝化世人信奉之。
- "The earliest notations for Chinese opera date from the Qing period. 最早的中国戏曲乐谱出现于清代。
- Historically, this is trough Wan Ming and Qing period thoroughfare, Changde, Tianjin center. 历史上,明清时期这里是槽运要道,是承德、天津的集散地。
- Gelao nationality has own language without words.School education rises in Ming and Qing period. 根据2000年第五次全国人口普查统计,仡佬族人口数为579357。
- Some decrepit lived nearly 100 mouth, sharing a water pipe, Ming and Qing period sewage repair shop, often plug, the ground sewage crosscurrent. 有的大杂院住着近百口人,共用一根自来水管,明清时期修铺的下水道,经常堵塞,地面污水横流。
- Women's Schools in the late Qing period 清末女学
- During the whole 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, Canton and Kiakhta were of great importance in the foreign transactions of the Qing Period. 在整个18世纪和19世纪的前半期,广州和恰克图都是清政府两个重要的对外口岸。
- The same can be said of the annual series and the Maritime Customs series for the last three decades of the Qing period, with respective increases of 0.0848 and 0.0860 tael. 这可以说,年度价格序列和清朝最后三十年的海关价格序列的增幅为0.;0848、0
- Starting from this understanding, I survey the collections and compilations of women's writing from the Qing period, and discuss several modern histories of women's literature. 由此出发,本文首先概述清代以降对女性作品的蒐集与编纂工作,乃至于现代学界的妇女文学史写作;
- In an entertaining sequence, we see Ming in Qing period costume in beautiful ancient Chinese settings, playing out a short drama in the style of a Chinese kungfu TV series. 在一个有趣的梦中,我们看见明身着清朝服饰,周围是漂亮的古时候的场景,上演了一出好似功夫片的短剧。
- Ancient architectural complex large-scale, layout rigorous, more complete reflection of the Ming and Qing period Chuannanfeng temples, temple architecture characteristics. 古建筑群规模宏大,布局严谨,比较完整地体现了明、清时期川南庙宇、殿堂建筑的特点。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- The excavation of the Qing period fort on Tung Lung Island has revealed fascinating details of the internal arrangements of the fortification and everyday utensils of a remote garrison during the final stages of Imperial China. 东龙洲清代炮台的出土,使我们可以一睹这座偏僻炮台有趣的内部结构,以及清末驻军的日常用具。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- Legacies of the Kunqu theatre are librettos from the Ming and Qing periods (1644-1911). 昆曲来源于明清时代(1644-1911)的戏曲。