- Law School of York University 约克大学法学院法学院
- LL.M., Law School of People's University of China. 教育背景:1982-1986,北京大学法律系,法律学专业学士;
- Ms.Davis is also the Adjunct Professor of Government at New York University Law School. 戴维斯女士也是纽约大学法学院政府行政管理兼职教授。
- Jerome Cohen, a Chinese legal system expert and a professor at New York University School of Law, said it was surprising the couple was even able to file a lawsuit. 纽约大学法学院教授、中国法制方面的专家杰罗姆.;科恩说,这对夫妇能提起民事诉讼确实是一件令人吃惊的事。
- He holds a Master of International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, and earned a Juris Doctor from the New York Law School. 廖凯原先生拥有美国哥伦比亚大学国际关系硕士学位和美国纽约法学院法学博士学位。
- Andreas.F.lowenfeld Herbert and Rose Rubin Professor of International Law New York University School of Law Oxford University Press First Published 2002. 杨丽艳著.;东盟的法律和政策与现代国际法
- Cohen, a professor specializing in Asian law at New York University School of Law and former Beijing partner with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &Garrison. Cohen教授说,"上海市律师协会非常知名,具有重要的影响,召开这样的内部会议使人甚为堪忧。
- Education: 1982-1986 - LL.B., Law School of Peking University. 教育背景:1982-1986,北京大学法律系,法律学专业学士;
- Attended New York University's Tisch School of Arts as a film major for a year. 曾于纽约大学艺术学院电影专业求学一年。
- She has a PhD in Law from China University of Politics and Law, a Masters Degree in Law (with distinction) from Warwick University and an LLM from New York University School of Law. 她拥有中国政法大学法学博士学位的,沃里克大学的纽约大学法学院法学硕士。
- Mr.Gao holds an Honours B.A. in Economics and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University. 郜先生拥有经济学学士学位,并获得约克大学舒力克商学院工商管理硕士学位。
- Clifford Bassett, a clinical instructor at the New York University School of Medicine. ”哮喘和变态反应专家CliffordBassett博士说;他是纽约大学医学院的临床讲师.
- Andrew Jiang, attorney at law in China, graduated from Law School of Fudan University, acquiring a Juris master degree. 姜涛律师,上海市信诚律师事务所合伙人,毕业于复旦大学法学院,获法律硕士学位,具有中国律师执业证,英语专业八级证书。
- A recent study by Dr Gustav Kuhn of York University and colleagues has examined a very simple use of misdirection in the vanishing ball trick. 近来约克大学的古斯塔夫.;库恩博士和他的同事利用“把球变没”这个戏法验证了误导人们心理的一个非常简单的例子。
- Professor Philip Y.MA was graduated in 1948 from the Law School of Soochow University. 马裕民老教授,1948年毕业于中国东吴大学法学院,获法学学士。
- Others reporting double-digit increases include the London Business School and the Stern School of Business at New York University. 其它还有两位数增长的商学院包括伦敦商学院和纽约大学斯特恩商学院。
- Li Si-qi, bachelor of British Language and Literature, doctor of law, academic visitor of Law School of Cardiff University. 黎四奇英国语言文学学士、学博士,英国卡地夫大学访问学者。
- Soon afterward Nirenberg had competition: Nobelist Severo Ochoa of the New York University School of Medicine set up his own lab and started deciphering the code, too. 不久竞争者就出现了,纽约大学医学院的诺贝尔奖得主欧乔亚建立了自己的实验室,著手解开密码,一直到1964年才停止这项工作。
- Wang gained his bachelor degree of law from Peking University in 1984, and his LLM from the Law School of Michigan University, USA in 1998. 王辉律师1984年获得北京大学法律学士学位,1998年获得美国密歇根大学法学院法学硕士学位。
- Lisa Mosconi and colleagues at the New York University School of Medicine used positron emission tomography, or PET, scans to look at the brains of 53 normal elderly people. 在这种情况下,对老年痴呆症及早发现和预防工作就显得尤为重要。