- Big collection of the English learning method! 上一篇:英文学习方法大集合!
- The main teaching method of the course is to explain the profundity in simple terms. 深入浅出是此课程的主要教学方法。
- Management method of the world top companies II. 世界顶级企业的管理之道2。
- Establishing the verifiable method of the role. 建立基于角色的验证方式。
- The method of the AA induced by FCA. 佐剂性关节炎法;
- What is best method of the suicide? 自杀的最好办法是什么?
- Learning method of the course 三、课程的学习方法
- A calcuation method of the upstream CNR was given. 文中针对上行通道的CNR给出了计算方法。
- It means that PBL is an effective learning method of medicine teaching. 说明PBL病案教学法是一种有效的医学教学方法。
- Object to one of the fill methods of the. 类的某个填充方法。
- Which is not a method of the class InputStream? 题目:下面哪个不是?
- This private method of the class, is not used. 这个类的私有方法是没有用的。
- Method of the control device adapter. 基类实现调用控件设备适配器的。
- Brief Analysis On the Course of "Research Learning Method" "研究性学习"课程初探
- Attribute to the main method of the application. 属性应用于应用程序的主方法。
- In order to restrain the influence of the variational intensity of the light, a threshold learning method was adopted. 为了抑制光强变化的影响,采用了一种阈值学习方法。
- Summer fallow is the best method of destroying weeds. 夏季休耕是消灭杂草的最好办法。
- Pertaining to exploratory methods of problem solving in which solutions are discovered by evaluation of the progress made toward the final result. 用于说明对问题求解的探索方法,在这些方法中,通过对向最终结果的逼近作评估来发现问题的解。
- This research expatiates on the course, basal process and the basal evaluating method of the city land using for commercial services in Baotou City. 本文较为详尽地阐述了包头市商服用地评价的过程、基本步骤和基本评价方法。
- Features and Learning Methods for the Course "Logic Design" “逻辑设计”课的特点和学习方法