- It's no good railing against fate; better learn to live with what you have. 抱怨命运没有用; 最好是学会就现有的条件对付着过日子。
- You'll have to learn to live with it,I'm afraid. 我看,你得学会容忍这种现实。
- I just had to learn to live with the pain. 我不得不学会忍受痛苦。
- I had learned to live with hate. 我已经学会与仇恨一起生活。
- Learning to Live with Pests 综合治理病虫害
- You're lost all your money,you must learn to live with the situation. 你已把所有的钱都丢失了,现在你必须去适应这种形势。
- It's no good railing against fate,better learn to live with what you have. 抱怨命运没有用,最好是学会就现有的条件对付着过日子。
- The vast majority of patients can learn to live with floaters, Bensinger said. 绝大多数的患者可以学习生活挥霍,本辛格说。
- Man has not learned to live with woman,since history began. 自从有史以来,男人还不曾学会怎样和女人共同生活。
- They learned to live with each other's imperfections. 他们学会了容忍对方的缺点。
- Man has not learned to live with woman, since history began. 自从有史以来,男人还不曾学会怎样和女人共同生活。
- I have learned to live with my body and adjusted to my way to life. 我已经学会用我这样的身体生活,而且已经适应了我的生活方式。
- Yarrow assists humans in learning to live with one another in communion and community. 西洋蓍草协助人们学会在交融与一致中彼此生活在一起。
- Hyperpower and hyper-partisanship are an explosive combination.The world will have to learn to live with it. 党派对立严重的局面加上美国所拥有的超级力量,整个世界都需要面对这种危如累卵的形势。
- I don't like the noise of these jet aircrafts,but I've learnt to live with it. 我厌恶这些喷气机的噪音,但我已学会去忍受它了。
- I don't like the noise of these jet aircraf,but I've learnt to live with it. 我讨厌这些喷气式飞机的噪音,但我已经学会忍受它了。
- She had learnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour. 她已经学会适应他那变幻莫测的情绪和难以捉摸的行为。
- I don't like the noise of these jet aircraft, but I've learnt to live with it. 我厌恶这些喷气式飞机的噪音,但我已经学会去忍受它了。
- I have learnt to live with my body as it is and adjusted my way of life. 我已经学会接受自己残疾的身体并适应了自己的生活。
- The Dutch have learned to live with Hapsburg threats hanging over their heads. 荷兰已经学会生活哈布斯堡威胁挂在他们的头上。