- Leaves were depleted of starch 叶子的淀粉被取尽了。
- The room was depleted of its furniture. 房内家具都搬空了。
- The process by which soils are depleted of bases and become acidic. 土壤灰化作用土壤的碱被减少而变成酸性的过程
- The firm was depleted of its finances during the past three years. 这家公司在过去的三年里饱受了资金短缺之苦。
- All of our resources were depleted. 所有我们的资源都用尽了。
- The state of being depleted; exhaustion. 耗尽被损耗的状态; 精疲力竭,耗尽
- The dead leaves were blowing about. 枯叶给风刮得到处乱飞。
- The leaves were vibrant in the breeze. 叶子在微风中抖动。
- The leaves were long and prickly. 叶子长而多刺。
- If the immune system was depleted of its T-regs, however, the parasite was completely purged, but reinfection was dealt with inefficiently, as if the mice had never before encountered the invader. 但是,若免疫系统缺乏调节性T细胞,寄生虫在第一次感染时就会全部肃清,当再度发生感染时,小鼠免疫系统却效率不彰,就好像是从未遇过入侵者一般。
- The punctate leaves were of a light green hue. 那些有小斑点的叶子是淡绿色泽的。
- Leaves were floating on the surface of the pond. 叶子漂浮在池塘的水面上.
- Hydrogen might be depleted with some of it turning into helium. 氢可能被耗尽,一部分变为氦。
- The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind. 突然一阵风把树叶吹起。
- Made from, rich in, or consisting of starch. 由淀粉制成,富于或含有淀粉的
- A potato consists mainly of starch. 马铃薯的主要成分是淀粉。
- The soil can be depleted, or "farmed out". 土壤可以耗尽精力,或叫做“地力耗尽”。
- Behavior of Starch Dispersions under Pressure. 压力下淀粉色散行为。
- Since the company's financial resources are depleted and the banks refuse to lend us any more money, we've come to the end of our tether. 公司的资金已消耗贻尽,各家银行又拒绝再向我们贷款,所以我们已经到了山穷水尽的地步。
- A few leaves were moving in the wind. 几片树叶随风摇摆。