- Lederer rs anemia 急性溶血性贫血
- Addison rs anemia 阿狄森氏贫血, 恶性贫血
- Biermer rs anemia 比尔默氏贫血, 恶性贫血
- Mister and Missus Lederer separated. 莱德勒夫妇离婚。
- Herrick rs anemia 镰形细胞贫血
- The skill, Mr Lederer argues, is in the betting. 李德勒认为,扑克技巧体现在下注过程中。
- The doctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
- Fanconi rs anemia 先天性全血细胞减少症
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia. 牛不感染马传染性贫血。
- AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia. 但AZT会引发严重的副作用,像是贫血。
- The doctor analysed the blood sample for anemia. 医生化验血样看是否贫血。
- runner rs anemia 赛跑贫血症
- The doctors analysed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
- Cooley rs anemia 地中海贫血, 库利氏贫血
- This was the kind of advice column that Esther Lederer wrote. 这一类建议就是由专栏作家以斯贴.;莱德尔写的,她采用安
- In 1960, Lederer formed Budget Rent A Car Corporation in Chicago. 1960年,莱德勒形成预算租车公司在芝加哥举行。
- Anemia may result from esophagitis. 食管炎可能引起贫血。
- Lederer formed a leasing company and leased new vehicles to Mirkin. 莱德勒成立了租赁公司和租赁新车辆莫金。
- Most cases of aplastic anemia are idiopathic. 多数再生障碍性贫血的病例是自发性的。