- Left external auditory canal 左外耳道
- External auditory canal cholesteatoma is a rare disease entity. 摘要外耳道珍珠瘤为耳鼻喉临床少见病例。
- The external auditory canal makes a slightly S-shaped curve. 外听道形如一S型的曲线。
- Single cancellous osteomas, unlike exostosis, are a relatively rare lesion in the external auditory canal. 单一性疏松骨瘤,不像外生骨疣,是一个外耳道较少见的病灶。
- Objective:To improve the diagnosis and treatment of the external auditory canal cholesteatoma(EACC). 目的:提高临床对外耳道胆脂瘤(EACC)的认识。
- Objective To improve the therapeutic effect of papilloma of external auditory canal surgery. 目的提高广基型外耳道乳头状瘤手术疗效,防止复发及外耳道狭窄。
- Objective To study the clinicopathologic features of cerumen gland tumors of external auditory canal. 目的探讨外耳道耵聍腺肿瘤的临床病理特点。
- He had some itching in his external auditory canal and was informed by the doctor that it was inflamed. 他觉得耳朵眼儿里边疼,医生说是发炎了。
- Osteomas occur in the external auditory canal in two forms;multiple compact osteomas or so called “exostosis” and single cancellous osteomas. 外耳道道骨瘤有两种形式,多发性的致密骨瘤或称外生骨疣及单一疏松骨瘤。
- In skin of external auditory canal, there are multilayer applanatio-keratinocyte, epidermis, collagen fibrils, collagenoblast and leukomonocyte. 外耳道皮肤可见多层扁平角质细胞、真皮、皮下胶原纤维、成纤维细胞、淋巴细胞。
- Two cases of exostoses and one case of cancellous osteoma of the external auditory canal were reported.The surgical approaches were discussed. 兹报告2例外耳道外生骨疣(致密骨瘤)和1例外耳道疏松骨瘤,并讨论其外科治疗。
- Objective:To reconstruct middle ear structure for open mastoid antrum with external auditory canal after radical mastoidectomy in one stage. 目的:探讨乳突根治术后,让术耳向外耳道开放的乳突腔重新中耳化和期听力重建的方法。
- An autograft getting from inner thigh part was put on the external auditory canal surgical wound and oppressed with indoform gauze. 结果26例病人27耳随访6个月至8年;24耳外耳道宽敞;无再狭窄;3耳出现轻度狭窄;发生率11.;1%25(3/27);效果满意。
- MethodsRetrospective analysis of 13 cases of surgically treated malignant tumors of ceruminous glands of external auditory canal. 方法对13例耵聍腺源性恶性肿瘤手术病例进行随访和回顾性分析。
- Exostoses, the most commonly encountered tumors of the external auditory canal, are usually bilateral and occur mostly in male cold water swimmers. 外生骨疣是外耳道曘常遇见的肿瘤,通常是两侧性的,而且几乎都发生在冷水里游泳的男性身上。
- Cerumen impaction is quite common, and may be caused by deformity or by obstruction of the external auditory canal (EAC). 摘要耳垢栓塞在一般门诊相当地常见,可能原因为外耳道形状异常或耳道口受到阻塞。
- Methods: To summarize retrospectively the clinical data of 3 cases with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the external auditory canal. 方法:回顾总结3例外耳道腺样囊性癌的临床资料。
- Objective:To reconstruct middle ear structure for open mastoid antrum with external auditory canal after radical mastoidectomy in one-stage. 目的:为使乳突根治术后耳向外耳道开放的乳突腔重新中耳化和一期行听力重建。
- Objective:To analyze the clinical characteristics of external auditory canal cholesteatoma (EACC) and investigate the causes of misdiagnosis. 目的:分析外耳道胆脂瘤(EACC)的临床特点及误诊原因。
- ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical ch aracteristics and therapeutic results of malignant tumors of ceruminous glands of external auditory canal. 目的探讨外耳道耵聍腺源性恶性肿瘤的临床特征和治疗效果。