- Left upper parathyroid gland 左上甲状旁腺
- Right upper parathyroid gland 右上甲状旁腺
- Here is a normal parathyroid gland for comparison. 作为对比,图示正常甲状旁腺。
- A case of infantile lobar emphysema (left upper lobe) is presented. 摘要本文报告一先天性肺叶气肿(左肺上叶)之病例,并引述文献记载略加讨论。
- Objective:To explore the diagnosis and treatement of the ectopic parathyroid gland in the pyriform sinus. 目的:探讨梨状窝异位甲状旁腺的诊断及治疗。
- Parathyroid gland, after chopping, was reimplanted into muscle tissue to prevent hypocalcemia. 副甲状腺则找出一两颗来,剁碎后植入邻近肌肉组织中,以避免低血钙症的发生。
- Method:Retrospectively analysis of 1 case with ectopic parathyroid gland in the pyriform sinus and retrospectively review the past literatures. 方法:回顾性分析1例梨状窝异位甲状旁腺患者的临床资料并复习有关文献。
- Here is a normal parathyroid gland for comparison. Adipose tissue cells are mixed with the parathyroid tissue. The amount of fat varies somewhat. 作为对比,图示正常甲状旁腺。脂肪细胞与甲状旁腺组织混在一起。脂肪数量可有一定变化。
- A 5-year-old girl sustained a blunt injury on left upper eyelid and thereafter a small nodule was developed over the lesion site. 摘要壹5岁女孩之左上眼睑于一年前受到撞击伤,而后在该处形成壹小结节,且在一年中逐渐变大。
- The parathyroid gland was embeded in thymus of immature (50g) and mature (500g) Trionyx sinensis, and the gland was mainly composed of chief cells. 在50g左右的幼鳖和500g成年鳖胸腺内尚观察到甲状旁腺组织,腺细胞主要由主细胞构成。
- This is a lobar pneumonia in which consolidation of the entire left upper lobe has occurred. 左肺上叶全部实变的大叶性肺炎。
- Kuching from the other angle. The building on the hill top at left upper corner is the Kuching North City Hall (Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara - DBKU). 从另一个角度看古晋。左上角山顶上那个建筑物就是古晋北市市政局了。
- Objective: To discuss preventive methods for complications after thyroidectomy, especially how to preserve recurrent laryngeal nerve and parathyroid gland. 摘要目的:探讨甲状腺手术术后并发症的预防方法,著重讨论喉返神经及甲状旁腺的防护。
- No injuryof recurrent laryngealnerves or parathyroid glands. 无神经或甲状旁腺损伤。
- Results: 8 of 15 patients were located in right hilum, 3 in left hilum, 2 in right upper lung and left upper lung respectively. 结果:15例病人中有8例位于右肺门,3例位于左肺门,右上肺和左上肺各2例。
- Supports the proper function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 调理甲状腺及副甲状腺。
- Herein, we report on an 82 year-old male, who had massive hemoptysis due to the rupture of a tuberculous aneurysm into the left upper lobe of the lung. 在此我们报告一82岁男性,因结核菌感染造成假性动脉瘤并且侵犯至左肺上叶,以致大量咳血送医.这位病人在接受成功的外科切除及修复手术后平安出院,经过追踪24个月后情况良好。
- After you enter your username and password, you click the "Forum List" on the left upper conner, then you will enter our forum. 欢迎你在我们的“校友论坛”上发表你的高见。
- The parathyroid gland. 甲状旁腺荷尔蒙