- Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quantification and Assessment 词汇差异与语言发展:量化与评估
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- The diver poised on the edge of the high board. 跳水运动员在高台边上站稳。
- The divers tried to float the sunken ship. 潜水员想使沈船浮起。
- Lexical diversity 词汇多样性
- The young diver is working under the water with a diving suit. 潜水员穿着潜水衣正在水下工作。
- The diver put wads of cotton in his ears. 潜水员以小块棉花塞在耳朵里。
- The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer. 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。
- The diver first drew a deep breath. 跳水员先深深地吸了一口气。
- We should have a bit more diversity in our army. 我们军队要搞得生动活泼些。
- The lexical semantics thereby become their core. 在这裹,语义词典成了核心中的核心。
- Without diversity, there can be no UN either. 没有多样化,也不成其为联合国。
- The sky diver dropped toward the earth. 延缓张伞跳伞者降落到地上。
- Gets the root lexical scope for the current method. 获取当前方法的根词法范围。
- Of word variations signaling lexical relationships. 表明词法关系。
- Dick Diver is the epitome of this world. 迪克·戴弗是这个世界的写照。
- The parent lexical scope of the current scope. 当前范围的父词法范围。
- The enclosing lexical scope of the current scope. 当前范围的封闭词法范围。
- The diver made another discovery. 潜水员还有一个发现。
- We spoke of a diversity of things. 我们谈着各种事物。