- Shengshengman is the best-known ci poem of Li Qingzhao, the most outstanding poetess of the Song dynasty. 摘要自古传称,词为诗余。诗求雅求韵,词又何尝不是。李清照说;“词别是一家”,也就是说,词在文学中是另一种学问。
- Li Qingzhao the history of Chinese literature are a great poetess. 李清照是中国文学史上一位伟大的女词人。
- Li Ge Fei: tert-word text, the famous poetess Li Qingzhao father. 李格非:字文叔,著名女词人李清照之父。
- Li E" s Ci had gained great complishment, not only in the very year, but also in later year, brought about frofound and lasting effection. 厉鹗词取得了很高的艺术成就,在当时和后世都产生了深远的影响。
- Chapter two categorizes Bi-cheng"s Ci and assesses their features and styles. 第二章把碧城词作分门别类,描述碧城词作概貌并分析其风格;
- Li Qingzhao's free verses are characterized by indirection, freshness, indignation, and profoundness. 李清照的词婉约、清新、忧愤、深沉。
- Li Qingzhao the history of Chinese literature are a great poetess.Li Qingzhao (No. 李清照是中国文学史上一位伟大的女词人。
- A representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。
- Compared with the other poets.The poetess Li Qingzhao was the most outstanding at the end of the Bei Song Dynasty. 于北宋末期登上词坛的杰出的女词人李清照与其他男性词人相比是别树一帜。
- An Analytical Study of Li Qingzhao's Object- Chanting Ci Poetry 李清照咏物词简析
- On Emotional Characteristics in the Ci Poems by Li Qingzhao 论李清照词的情感特征
- Innovation and Divergence on Ci Between Su Shi and Li Qingzhao 苏轼、李清照的词学革新与理论分歧
- Li Qingzhao is a prominent poetess at old time in china, her thinking character has three period: anterior,midmost and upper, which express the whole epoch. 李清照是古代文学史上杰出的女词人,其词作达到了婉约派的高峰。综观其词作所塑造的抒情女主人形象,思想性格大致分为前、中、后三个时期,且带有深刻的时代印记。
- These enrich full female art image, surmounting Li Qingzhao to shine on to embroider building the living in those days girls bedroom in of generally female. 这些丰富饱满的女性艺术形象,超越了李清照所生活那个时代闺房绣楼里的一般女性。
- Writer' s Ci Poetry in middle and late Tang dynasty 中晚唐文人词
- A New Research into Reasons for the Gloomy Mood Reflected in Li Qingzhao's Ci 李清照词愁因新探
- Oh, Li Qingzhao, do you know there are similar sad men and women who are reading and joying your lines, mulling over your sadness, ac-companying you along on the way to look for something? 李清照,你可知道世上还有与你同愁的苦龙怨凤,品读着你的词,咀嚼着你的愁,随你一路寻寻觅觅?
- Abstract: Li Qingzhao and Zhu Shuzhen with a well-known for the talented woman in the Song Dynasty, they are full of imaginative power sensitive, rich emotion and an enviable talent of literature. 摘要:李清照与朱淑真同为宋代词坛著名才女,他们都富有敏锐的才思、丰富的情感和令人羡慕的文学创作才华。
- Mrs.Wei Poetry, secondary overall level take a look on that, the talent having very much surpassing place of striding, her although being unable to compare with Liyian, loses to Li Qingzhao neither. 摘要魏夫人的诗词,从整体水平看,虽然比不上李易安(清照),然颇有超迈处,亦未易才也。
- The Comparison of Ci in the Late Period Between Li Yu and Li Qingzhao 李煜、李清照后期词比较论