- Li Qi Tong Jiang method 理气通降法
- Keywords Gynecological operation;Li Qi Tong Fu Tang;the recovery of gastrointestinal function;motilin(MTL);Flatus; 妇科腹部手术;理气通腑汤;胃肠功能恢复;胃动素;排气;
- Luan Tou and Li Qi compliment each other. 峦头理气互扣,举一反三,环环相接。
- Tong Jiang scissors establish since 1995, we are manufacture scissors for professional hair and pet . 统将剪刀成立于1995年,为专业发剪与宠物剪产品制造商。
- For years, Li Qi has contributed to the growth of many piano talents. 多年来帮助了不少钢琴人才的成长。
- Based on the hydrologic and sediment feature of Jia Musi to Tong Jiang waterway of Song Hua River,the particular regulation and plan was draw up. 从针对松花江下游佳木斯至同江河段的河流特点及水文泥沙特征,制定了详细的整治原则和方案。
- The effect is quite clear treated by Tong Jiang Gong Zhu added dialectically a small amount of cinnamon twig or platy codon root. 热证宜清化,用脓肿清化汤(桃仁、红花、三棱、金银花、地榆、玄参、薏苡仁、冬瓜仁等)。
- There is saddle of a pair of horse on the baluster of the sitting room, li Qi says that plaything is very expensive. 客厅的栏杆上搭着一副马鞍子,李琦说那玩意儿很贵。
- Earlier, she and the French brand handbags photographed by her boyfriend Li Qi as creative director. 而早前她为法国手袋品牌拍照,并由男友李大齐担任创意总监。
- Therefore, it is oversimplify to consider Li qi is a poet who just created poems about border area. 论文第四部分认为,李颀在文学上的成就是多方面的,绝不仅仅止于边塞诗,文学史著作应当给予李颀更多、更全面的评价。
- In 2002, Li Qi returned to motherland and resided in Guangzhou to continue his career on performance and teaching. 2002年秋,李淇回国在广州定居,继续从事演奏及教学工作。
- In young woman Li Qiyan, a ruler is friendly, is zealous, although his status is low, is uncouthly, but Li Qi nearly has fallen in love with him. 在女青年李琪眼中,般头尺友善、热忱,虽然他地位低,性情粗鲁,但是李琪还是几乎爱上了他。
- Because this stalactite looks the sword that was exactly like one handle to pester a cloth outside, deep collect ability, get Li Qi greatly to like so. 因为这个石钟乳看上去酷似一柄在外面缠了一层布的宝剑,深敛锋芒,所以深得李琦喜欢。
- Li Qi is recollected, in 15 original days of hostel that live in bomb shelter to change, move two about 40 basement of smooth rice next. 李琦回忆,最初的15天住在防空洞改成的招待所里,然后搬入大约40平米的两间地下室。
- According to the view of Li Qi of director of committee of experts of learning of association of Chinese electron business affairs, should " turn on the water pisciculture " . 按照中国电子商务协会学术专家委员会主任李琪的说法,应该“放水养鱼”。
- Li Qi,Chen Weirong,Jia Junbo,et al.Fuel cell model optimization based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm[J].Battery Bimonthly,2007,37 (6):418-421 (in Chinese). [7]李奇;陈维荣;贾俊波;等.;基于改进粒子群算法的燃料电池模型优化[J]电池;2007;37(6):418-421
- Li Qi, male, Shanxi Jinzhong people, in September 1923 was born in 1946 to the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region in North China Union University, Arts Institute of Fine Arts study. 李琦,男,山西晋中人,1923年9月出生,1946年转到晋察冀边区华北联合大学文艺学院美术系学习。
- Effects of Yi Qi Tong Mai Oral Liquid on Acute Myocardial Ischemia in Dogs 益气通脉口服液对犬急性心肌缺血的影响
- Experience Sum-up of design of Regulation Project in the Jia Musi to Tong Jiang waterway of Song Hua River 松花江佳木斯至同江河段航道整治工程设计经验总结
- Jiang Xie in Da Tong crosses the urban district of Pyongyang. 大同江斜穿过平壤市区。