- It gives Lib Dem leaders a way to argue activists out of promising to out-spend Labour. 至于自由民主党,它的领导人则因此找到了一个劝阻激进分子在支出上与劳工党攀比的由头。
- But Lib Dem education spokeswoman Sarah Teather said: "The figures show this Government has spectacularly failed to get a grip on truancy. " 但是Lib Dem教育部发言人SARAH Teather说:数据显示政府对逃学已失去它的功效 。
- Even if the outcome is not the Lib Dem nirvana of a hung parliament, with its mythical potential for coalitions and pacts, the party may emerge stronger than the carpers predict. 自民党希望选举结果是无多数议会,好借此时机浴火重生,即便不能如愿,凭其擅订联盟及协约的神奇潜质,自民党也比苛评者预言的要更强大。
- But the Lib Dems may impress on other issues too. 自民党还可以在其它问题上影响选民。
- Plans to boost black Lib Dem MPs 计划增加黑色薪高程库
- The Greens may well retain their existing two MEPs, and the Lib Dems struggle to beat UKIP into third place. 绿党很有可能保持在欧洲议会现有的两个席位,而自由民主党则要努力击败英国独立党,跻身三甲。
- The Lib Dems, alarmed by Mr Clegg's shrill call for “savage” cuts, are resisting his austerity measures. 由于担心克莱格先生极力倡议的“野蛮”削减,自由民主党人对其紧缩措施表示了反对。
- But if Mr Cameron gets more votes than Mr Brown, the Lib Dems will have to put their thinking caps on. 但是如果卡梅隆比布朗能够赢得更多的选票,那么自由民主党必须要认真考虑(联合执政的)事情了。
- The proliferation of news outlets might, in theory, have helped the Lib Dems increase their exposure. 新闻媒体的影响扩大了,在理论上这有助于提高自民党人的出镜率。
- The Lib Dems' job for most of the time between elections is simply to stay in the game. 自民党在选举期间的大部分时间里只要做到留在选局中就可以。
- As the two main parties have scrambled for the centre ground, the Lib Dems have emerged as the real opposition on issues such as Iraq and civil liberties. 而这两个主要的党派在争夺中间地带的选票,那么就伊拉克问题以及公民自由权方面,自由民主党就真正成了反对党了。
- With their conference approaching, some Lib Dems have muttered sardonically that there is a global conspiracy to do them down. 自民党会议将近,一些党员以嘲讽的口吻嘀咕着,全世界都在密谋要跟自民党对着干。
- Local elections, in contrast, are often fertile ground for the Lib Dems, who long ago perfected the art of pavement politics. 相反,地方选举则是自由民主党的丰收之地,该党很久以前就已经对人行道政治的技艺掌握得炉火纯青。
- But the FDP, like the Lib Dems in England, which became his adopted country in 1988, was small and weak, and not quite what he wanted. 但是这个自由民主党规模小且势力微弱,就像他1988年加入国籍英国的自由民主党一样,不太是他所希望的。
- The Lib Dems crave full-blown proportional representation but may decide the best chance of any reform lies with Labour. 自由民主党切望于完全的比例代表制,然而是工党享有决定何时为改革最佳时机的职权。
- Liberal Democrat supporters are, surprisingly, slightly less keen on Europe than their Labour counterparts, even though the Lib Dems are officially the most Euro-friendly party. 令人惊讶的是,自由民主党的支持者对欧洲还没有工党的支持者热心,尽管自由民主党官方是对欧洲最友好的。
- Both the Tories and the Lib Dems still say they back the deployment, but they attack the government's perceived lack of strategy and its parsimony towards the armed forces. 无论是保守党军人还是自由民主党仍然表示,他们支持[军队的]部署,但他们的抨击政府缺乏战略并对军队小家子气。
- Call an election immediately, cry the opposition Tories, who are ahead in the polls, and the Lib Dems, who aren't, but are scoring better than they usually do. 还有一些说,立即召开选举,让在民调中领先的反对党保守党上台,还有自由民主党,虽然票数不高,但比以往大有改善。
- This is a lazy question, and the wrong one. The real mystery about the Lib Dems is not why they aren't performing better, but why they aren't doing much worse. 这个问题实在欠考虑,而且也不该有此一问。自民党让人纳闷的不是它为什么不能做得更好,而是为什么没有做得更糟。
- We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib. 这些食物让我们随便吃。