- This discourse's aim fix on 2 points:one is that discuss the brilliance characters on Zhu Guangqian accepting B.Croce and establishing his own system from life aesthetics view. 本文的研究目标确定为:一,从人生美学角度来考察朱光潜在接受克罗齐思想与创新自己的理论体系时的鲜明特点;
- Life Esthetics View 生命美学观
- "Taking heart as happy": Li Yu's Health Esthetics View. "以心为乐":李渔的养生美学观。
- Title: Taking heart as happy:Li Yus Health Esthetics View. 关键词:李渔;"以心为乐";养生美学观
- From the harmonious esthetics view, mind is decontamination, and people who lose the spirit home accept the treatment.Then we acquire the worth of life and the sublimate of thoughts and feelings. 也就是通过和谐的美学观,净化心灵,为失去精神家园的人们收治疗伤,进而获得人生价值的实现与情操的升华。
- The life aesthetics on the view of life can be refuted from the explanation of life and the two logic supports of life aesthetics. 从对“生命”的阐释和通过对“生命美学”中两大“逻辑支撑”的逐一分析,可以层层驳斥“生命美学”对生命的看法。
- From the esthetic view, it was a beautiful continent. 从美学的观点来看,那是一个美丽的大陆。
- The First Studio bases its creation deeply in life and maintains an aesthetic view of sincerity, rusticity and depth in refiecting life. 在创作上主张积极深入生活,真诚、质朴、深刻地体现生活的审美价值。
- This thesis expatiate the Aesthetics of Law according to the life aesthetics. 与法律科学研究“法之真”、法律伦理学研究“法之善”不同,法美学集中研究“法之美”。
- The First Studio bases its creation deeply in life and maintains an aesthetic view of sincerity, rusticity and depth in refiecting life.The studio is currently directed by Prof.Sun Weimin . 他越来越倾向于用简练的构图、尽可能少的人物来反映广阔的社会生活,这种自然发展的意识逐渐清晰,并最终以肖像画作为他自己的主要创作方向。
- Life aesthetics is the basis of theoretic aesthetics, while theoretic aesthetics is the theoretic providers of life ... 生活美学是理论美学的现实基础,理论美学则为生活美学提供理论支持。
- His view of life is different from yours. 他的人生观与你的不同。
- Conclusion part will explain and upgrade Kawabata Yasunari "s fiction art and life aesthetics. 结语部分是对川端康成小说艺术和生命美学思想的系统把握和再次提升、阐释。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- This kind of poetics is closely related to literary and aesthetical view of seeking"harmony","humanity",and"purity". 这种诗论与其追求“和谐”“人性”“纯正”的文学观和美学观紧密联系在一起。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The fifth chater will study on Zhuangzi"s ecological aesthetic view"s present value and meaning. 乐生"是"重生"的最高理想和现实归宿。
- The last part disserts the contemporary significance of Liang"s life aesthetic thought. 第四部分论述了梁启超人生审美化思想的当代意义。