- Life Systems Officer 生命(保障)系统官
- The ecosystem can be redefined as interlocking life systems. 生态系统可以再定义为相互关联的生命系统的综合。
- An SFTI graduate is roughly equivalent to a US Air Force weapon system officer. 一名SFTI的毕业学员基本相当于一名美国空军的武器系统军官。
- EDU]Univ. of Texas System Office of Telecom.Svcs. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [TEXSHARE.
- Another useful ecological unit that cuts across this hierarchical classification is the life system. 另一个横贯这些等级分类有用的生态单元就是生命系统。
- The life system is composed of a subject population and its effective environment. 生命系统由主体种群和它的有效环境所组成。
- Cell is a component unit of organism which presents the complexity and factuality of life system. 摘要细胞是生命体的基本组成单元,是一个复杂的、能真实反映生物体系的活体。
- However, modern life Beese assists the simple life system which Si Taike et al. study to be much more complex. 然而,现代生命比斯佐斯泰克等人所研究的简单生命系统要复杂得多。
- Benner said one rule of life is that it must be capable of Darwinian evolution.Currently, human hands are needed to help the artificial life systems evolve. 生物法则就是达尔文进化论,现在,人类的手正在让人造生命演化。
- It is proven that under thermodynamical equilibrium the substance flows in life system can be described by a flow equilibrium state. 将多元复相系的热动平衡条件推广到开放系统,证明可用热动平衡下的流动平衡态来描述生命系统中的物质流动。
- Benner said one rule of life is that it must be capable of Darwinian evolution. Currently, human hands are needed to help the artificial life systems evolve. 生物法则就是达尔文进化论,现在,人类的手正在让人造生命演化。
- In addition to the intellectual revolution a self-sustaining life system would launch, Joyce sees evolution as a commercially profitable way to create useful chemicals and drugs. 除了智能革命以外,还将产生自我维持的生命系统,乔伊斯把进化看作是创造实用药理学的有利可图的商业途径。
- Eco-centrism,as one of the major schools of modern western environmental ethics,argues that human beings should spread moral duties and care to the whole life system. 生态中心论作为当代西方环境伦理学的主要流派之一,认为应该把道德义务和伦理关怀扩展至整个生命系统。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- Aerospace Defense Systems Officer 航空航天防御系统军官
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Instructor Weapons System Officer 综合武器系统教官
- The effect of internal noise on mesoscopic chemical dynamics is studied using stochastic simulation and chemical Langevin equations, with special focus on surface catalytic systems and life systems. 摘要以生命和表面催化体系为对象,研究了介观化学体系中内涨落对体系非线性动力学行为的调控作用。
- She is in the primrose of her life. 她正处在她一生的最盛期。