- Life in A Violin Case 小提琴中的生命之课
- A crepehanger usually sees life in a gloomy light. 悲观者常以沮丧态度来看人生。
- She goes through life in a happy-go-lucky fashion. 她一向乐天知命。
- It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp. 战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的。
- Having gained new hope, I am trying to see life in a better light. 由于获得了新的希望,我正试图用新的眼光看待生活。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- He lives in a house which was build ten years ago. 他住在一座10年前建造的房子。
- Would you rather live in a town, or in the country? 你愿意住在城市还是乡下?
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- He lives in a mountainous district. 他住在山区。
- The monks live in a large monastery. 这些修道士居住在一个大修道院里。
- Social life in a village cannot be compared with that of a large city. 乡村的社会生活不能和大城市的相比。
- The nuns live in a cloister of calm. 修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。
- The young always live in a world of fantasy. 年轻人总是生活在幻想中。
- He lives in a city with 100000 inhabitants. 他住在一个有十万居民的城市。
- He lives in a house among the trees. 他住在一栋树木环绕的房子里。
- She lives in a world of make-believe. 她生活在娇揉造作的世界里。
- She has polio as a child and spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. 她小时候得了小儿麻痹症,终生没离开过轮椅。
- They live in a big/large house in the country. 他们住在乡下的一所大房子里。
- We had to live in a horrid little flat. 我们只得住在一套可怕的小公寓房子里。