- Light Infantry Division 轻型步兵师
- Last out would be the 3d Infantry Division. 第3步兵师将是最后撤离的部队。
- The 7th Infantry Division was to complete its advance to the Yalu. 第7步兵师的任务是完成挺进鸭绿江的行动。
- By the 20th all of the 7th Infantry Division was embarked. 截止至20日第7步兵师已经装船完毕。
- The 18 th Infantry of the U. S? st Infantry Division took severe losses. 美国步兵第一师第十八团受到严重损伤。
- The 18th Infantry of the U.S 1st Infantry Division took severe losses. 美国步兵第一师第十八团受到严重损伤。
- The artillery system can be found in the artillery regiment organic to a light (wheel-based) mechanised infantry division, with 18 vehicles organised into a mortar-howitzer battalion. 火炮系统可能成炮兵团建制在一个轻(基于-轮式)机械化炮兵师中被发现,连同18辆车辆。
- Kerns are Irish light Infantry made up of freemen armed with a javelin and small handweapon. 爱尔兰标枪兵出身自由民阶层,装备标枪和短柄格斗兵刃。
- Well, the VIPs happened to be the general of the 25th Infantry Division and an entourage of about twelve people. 不过,这位大人物碰巧是25师的将军和大约十二个人的陪同团。
- Kerns are Irish light Infantry made up of freemen armed with small hand weapons. 科恩斧兵出身自由民阶层,使用短柄战斧进行厮杀。
- Fearless light infantry equiped with only a scimitar, effective against other infantry and archers. 沙漠突击队是步行而且快速的战士,他们仅仅用短弯刀作装备。
- Elite light infantry skirmishers armed with javelins and spears, and sometimes armour. 阿拉贡突袭兵是精锐的职业轻装突袭部队,装备标枪和长矛,有时亦会身穿盔甲。
- The 1st Slovak (Mobile) Infantry Division was also known as the Slovak Fast Division. 第一机动化步兵师就是非常著名的斯洛伐克速度最快,最牢靠的师。
- These battalions were all lavishly equipped with heavy machine guns, mortars and light infantry howitzers. 这些大队都有充足的机枪、摩托和轻型步兵跑。
- Light Infantry Squad: 4 rifleman and a squad leader with machine gun, anti infantry. 轻步兵班:4名步枪兵和1名携带机枪的班长,适合对抗敌方步兵。
- The two ROK divisions, organized into the ROK I Corps, could best be described as light infantry. 韩国的两个师被编为韩国第1军,对其最适合的表述应该是轻装步兵。
- They are ideal for an ambush, outflanking engaged units and taking light infantry head on. 最善长埋伏,侧翼包围,然后冲向轻步兵。
- Daylami Light Infantry are slaves from steppes and the persian desert, trained and formed into standing military units. 素质:一般类型:地方兵种艾哈盖由乾草原上的牧民组成。
- They sent12 to15 teams through Albania into Kosovo with the1 st Infantry Division. 他们派了12至15个小分队,和步兵第一师通过阿尔巴尼亚进入科索沃。
- Brave Lithuanian light infantry equipped with an axe and shield. Poor defensively but with a powerful attack. 立陶宛斧兵属于轻装部队,装备战斧和盾牌,极为骁勇善战,但防御力欠佳。