- Finally,fit the curre of light intensity distribution by computer. 从而用计算机得出拟合曲线。
- Light intensity distribution and phase aberrations are given in order to show the optic aberrations as well as the flow characteristics. 利用穿越流场的光波光强和相位的改变,直观分析光波畸变和流场的部分特征信息。
- Facular micro-beams, the less light beam of light intensity distribution closer rectangles (ideally), the clarity of the latent image. 微平束的平斑愈小,平束的平强漫衍愈挨近矩形(抱负环境),则潜象的清晰度愈矮。
- The light intensity distribution exhibits straw hat shape on a certain conditions, in other word to say, the central light intensity is less than acroteric light intensity. 在一定条件下,截面上的光强分布会呈现中心光强小于周围光强的“草帽型”分布。
- The concordance of the results of numerical calculating and measurements for the 62.5/125 multimode optical fiber show that the Gaussian beam could describe the light intensity distribution of optical fiber well. 5/125多模光纤在高斯光强分布下的数值计算结果与实验测量结果的一致性表明,高斯光束可以较好地表示光纤光强的分布。
- To compare the light intensity distribution and facula of non-coherent combination and coherent combination provides one method for analysis and adjusting of the CO2 laser with misalignment. 对非相干和相干并和的输出进行比较,为失调的CO2激光器的分析和调整提供了一种有效手段。
- CCD light intensity distribution instrument CCD光强分布测量仪
- Light intensity distribution of diffraction facula 衍射焦斑强度分布
- The Light Intensity Distribution of Single Slit Fresnel Diffraction 单缝菲涅尔衍射的光强分布
- Light intensity distributions 光强分布
- The Demonstration of Relative Light Intensity Distribution in Light Diffraction 光的衍射相对光强分布的显示
- Light intensity is the most important environmental factor. 光照强度是最重要的环境因素。
- Influence of the chirp on the intensity distributions of an apertured pulse[J]. 引用该论文 Runwu Peng;Yunxia Ye;Zhixiang Tang;Shuangchun Wen;Dianyuan Fan.
- The pupil of the eye responds to change of light intensity. 瞳孔随着光线强度的变化而放大或缩小。
- Spotblend: Specifies the intensity distribution of the spot light. 指定定位光的光照强度。
- The pupil of the eye responds to the changes of light intensity. 瞳孔可随光线的强弱而扩大或缩小。
- Dimmer function; adjust the light intensity according to need. 具有调光功能,可根据需要调节光的亮度。
- The value that specifies how light intensity changes over distance. 用于指定光线明暗度如何随距离变化的值。
- Sang Sang Habitat this year is the highest light intensity. 此生生境有最高的全年光照强度。