- Ligustrum angustumn. 狭叶女贞
- Fruits of Ligustrum obtusifolium Sieb. et Zucc. 水蜡果实
- New taxa of the genus Ligustrum (Oleaceae). 文章题目 女贞属新分类群.
- Ligustrum obtusiifolium Sieb. et Zucc. 水蜡树
- A new species of Ligustrum (Oleaceae) from SW China. 西南女贞属(木犀科)一新种.
- Objective: To determine of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi Hemslwere. 摘要目的测定苦丁茶多糖的含量。
- The chemical constituents from fruits and seeds of Ligustrum lucidum Ait. 女贞果实及种子的化学成分。
- New cultivated varieties of fig (Ficus) and privet (Ligustrum) in Taiwan. 台湾榕树与女贞之新栽培变种.
- Objective:To determine of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi Hemslwere. 目的测定苦丁茶多糖的含量。
- Design orthogonal tests and study the extracting conditions of flavonoids in Ligustrum Lucidum Ait by using water bath. 设计正交试验,采用水浴的方法对女真子中黄酮类物质的提取方法进行研究。
- Study on Ingredients of Flower of Essential Oil of Ligustrum obtusiifolium Sieb. Et Zucc. 水蜡树鲜花芳香油化学成分研究。
- Aim To provide evidence for quality evaluation of the crude drug,the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum. 目的为中药材女贞子的质量评价提供依据。
- On some doubtful species belonging to the genera Ligustrum and Osmanthus of Oleaceae in Taiwan. 台湾女贞属与木犀属数种植物学名之新举与订正.
- This indicates that stress reaction of Ligustrum sinense is a kind of dynamic process with different degree damaged. 说明卵叶小蜡应激反应的过程是一种随着受害程度的不同而不断变化的动态过程。
- Ligustrum lucidum Ait, Chinese Angelica, barbary wolfberry fruit, Radix Astragali were identified by TLC. 用薄层色谱法对女贞子、当归、枸杞子、黄芪进行鉴别;
- Objective: To study the chemical constituents in the leaf of Ligustrum delavayanum Hariot. 目的:对川滇腊树叶子的化学成分进行研究。
- The mated female scales pass the winter on twigs and small branches of the host, Ligustrum obtusfolium. 4月中旬雌虫开始活动,5月上旬至5月下旬为卵期,6月上旬卵开始孵化。
- Product characteristics which are: safflower, following Wood, France Ilex, Ligustrum vicaryi, etc. 其中特色产品有:红花继木、法国冬青、金叶女贞等。
- OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of the volatile oil of Ligustrum lucidum Ait. 目的研究甘肃产女贞子挥发油的化学成分,比较不同产地的女贞子挥发油药用成分。
- OBJECTIVE:To research the inflammation fast and analgesic effect of extract leaf Ligustrum robustum BL (ELR). 目的:对粗壮女贞叶的提取物(简称ELR) 抗炎及镇痛作用进行初步实验研究。