- Like glue and varnish 似胶如漆
- The heavy hominy stuck in her throat like glue and never before had the mixture of parched corn and ground-up yams that passed for coffee been so repulsive. 稠稠的玉米粥像胶粘在喉咙里咽不下去,连作为咖啡代用品的烤玉米粉和山芋粉的混合饮斜也从来没有像今天这样难吃过。
- Examples of such expenses are entertainment of visitors and emissaries, procurement of materials like glue and paint and maintenances fees for armor and other equipments. 孙子说:凡用兵作战,一般上需要动用战车千辆,辎重车千辆,铠甲十万个,还要越境千里运送粮草;
- An affection as glue and varnish 情同胶漆
- Direct materials do not include minor items like glue, varnish, and nails. 直接材料一般不包括粘合剂、清漆、曲别针等。
- Culture is one thing and varnish another. 文化是一件事,文饰又是一件事。
- These people over here stick together like glue. 这儿的这帮人就象胶水似的团结在一起。
- Culture is one thing and varnish another . 文化是一件事,文饰又是一件事。
- He sticks to her like glue(= never leaves her). 他形影不离地跟着她。
- You will also need glue and a card. 你也需要胶水和卡片。
- He sticks to her like glue, ie never leaves her. 他如胶似漆地寸步不离开她.
- So she purchased the paper and glue and crayons. 所以,就买了些卡片、胶水和彩色蜡笔。
- So she bought paper, glue and crayons. 所以她买了纸,胶水和蜡笔。
- So she bought the paper and glue and crayons. 于是,她买了纸,胶水和蜡笔。
- Glue and paste are used to make one surface adhere to another . 胶水和浆糊是用来使一个表面黏到另一个表面上的。
- Glue and paste are used to make one surface adhere to another. 胶水和浆糊是用来使一个表面黏到另一个表面上的。
- The bones and skin are used are used for glue and footballs. 骨头被用来做胶水,表皮被用来做足球。
- He has snow white fur and sticky wet nose. The nose touches like glue. 它有一身雪白雪白的毛,小鼻子湿湿的,还有点粘粘的,摸起来有点像胶水。
- I find a stationery store and buy paper, envelopes, white glue and glitter. 我找到一家文具店,买到纸,信封,白胶水和碎金纸。
- The doors are then stained and varnished. 这些门还要染色涂清漆。