- Limit Device of rail voltage 钢轨电位限制装置
- Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportat. 弗吉尼亚州铁路与公共运输局。
- Sycophancy was the device of the least trustworthy. 阿谀奉承之辈最不可靠。
- PHL one layer of limitting devices of bed is similar to pressing plate, but it must fix on the tower wall. PHL床层限制器与压板类似,但它必须固定在塔壁上。
- Safety device of dual start design. 安全型设计,双启动工作,确保操作安全。
- Study on Manufacturing Device of Pole Coil. 同步电机带散热匝磁极绕组制造设备研究。
- This is a device of many application. 这是个多用途的装置。
- DS18B20 is a 1-wire device of DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR. DS18B20是达拉斯半导体公司的1-wire器件。
- Operation facility with the device of HMI. 电炉与控制器一体,操作方便。
- The Frequency Tripler is a key device of FFTS. 分频输电系统的关键设备是培频变压器。
- This allows the power density to be increased with a 12-V rail voltage topology in ac or dc switchmode power supplies requiring redundant circuitry. 在需要冗余电路的交流或直流开关模式电源中,这可实现通过12V的轨电压拓扑结构增加功率密度。
- Sturdily mount the clamping device of machine. 研磨机夹持必须安装牢固。
- In the United State, do good have come to be, like patriotism, a favourite device of persons with something to sell. 在美国,做好事有如爱国主义一样,已成了推销某些东西的人们爱用的一种手段。
- The strike will cause some dislocation of rail traffic. 这次罢工会给铁路交通造成一定的混乱。
- The youngest is a born rider of rails. 小儿子是个天生的流浪儿。
- The switch is the control device of an electric circuit. 开关是电路的控制部件。
- Specially, the public interest demanded effective regulation of rail rates. 公共利益尤其要求对于线路运价实行有效管理。
- Position limit device is employed to solve the problem of corrugation by reverse-drawing so that quality of the part can be ensured. 利用限位装置成功解决反拉深起皱问题,保证了零件质量。
- We learn of the subtle devices of our enemy, Satan. 我们领教了我们的敌人,撒但的狡猾诡计。
- Up to now there hasn't a special code for the design of rail transit viaduct. 目前我国尚无专门的轨道交通高架桥设计规範。