- Line Construction Tools 线路修建工具
- Construction Tools: blenders, plastering barrels, trolleys, steel Madao, scraping bars, wood trowel etc plastering tools and theodolite, caving line tools. 施工工具:搅拌机、抹灰桶、手推车、钢抹刀、刮杠、木抹子等用抹灰工具及经纬仪、放线工具。
- But in addition to this line of Link, the MTR line construction M6 also instrumental in prices. 不过这一线除了中环线外,M6地铁线的施工也为价格上升起了推动作用。
- Some advice provide reference for the ongoing unballasted track on railway passenger dedicated line construction. 并提出了一些体会和建议,为正在建设的无砟轨道客运专线提供借鉴。
- But in a more complex example, the next LINE construct could potentially make your code easier to understand. 可以让你的代码更容易理解。
- When our species wishes to make something beautiful, it first constructs tools. 当我们人类想要制造什么美丽东西的时候,首要的是制造工具。
- MTR M1 line construction will start early, this route is completed, the downtown area will make things significantly shorter time. 地铁M1线将提前开工建设,这条线路建成后,将使五角场地区到市中心的时间大大缩短。
- Similarly, while a word processor should generally be optimized for concentrated, devoted, and frequent user attention, there are tools within the word processor, like the table construction tool, that are used in a transient and infrequent manner. 类似地,字处理软件通常应该按照用户全神贯注的情况来优化。 而在字处理软件中的一些工具,比如画表格的工具,就被透明化或者半透明化了。
- China's overhead transmission line wire is used in traditional ACSR, transmission capacity is limited, long-distance, high-capacity transmission line construction is imperative. 目前我国架空输电线路所用导线基本上是传统的钢芯铝绞线,输电容量受到限制,远距离、大容量输电线路的建设势在必行。
- Commitment to Innovation, continuous Improvement of our products and services to exceed customer expectations, and to be the world's leading supplier of home Improvement products and construction tools. 持续改进,不断创新,以提供超越客户期望的产品和服务。
- In recent years, during transmission line construction, non-powercut spanning methods were widely used while spanning high voltage power lines. 摘要在近年来的输电线路施工中,不停电跨越高压电力线方案得到了越来越广泛的采用。
- Morning News -- (Reporter Mok spring) did not catch the subway line construction tender 5th overall group living program next year will be the eyes of the 4th Line and 10th MTR line. 晨报讯(记者莫春)没赶上地铁5号线施工招标的住总集团把眼睛盯上了明年将要进行的地铁4号线和10号线。
- Instead, they could have made IP a constructive tool, and in the Delegation's view, that opportunity had been lost in the present committee. 代表团认为,他们本可以把知识产权当作一种建设工具,但是本届委员会已经错过了这一机会。
- As an example, this article discusses the survey supervision of steel lining construction and dome lifting and fixing. 以此工程为例,探讨钢衬里施工和穹顶吊装中的测量监理工作。
- Blog as a Knowledge Construction Tool 网志作为知识建构的工具;
- For concrete lining construction of long inclined shaft with sleep obliquity and big diameter, the construction technology is complex and difficult. 摘要陡倾角大直径长斜井混凝土衬砌施工技术复杂,施工难度特别大。
- Carries a complete line of small tools. 包揽了小工具的全部商品
- The article reports value experience of lining construction for catalyzing and craking unit of Khartoum Refinery in Sudan. 报道苏丹喀土穆炼油厂工程中,催化裂化装置衬里施工的宝贵经验。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。